Honeymoon- 6- Part 14

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Getting close to landing the plane in Oahu, Hawaii, she looks out the window and saw sooo much more greenery than she ever saw compared to the other places they had gone to.

"Woah....this is....woah. Kashi, look!" she pats him over and over to look with her. Although he's seen it plenty of times, he goes and joins her and has a look, but turns to look at her expression, as it was much more amusing. Her eyes were wide open, like looking at a huge gift on Christmas day. He comes right by her to kiss her soft cheek.

"You look so beautiful my love. Have I ever told you that?"

She smirks and slowly shifts her eyes from the window onto him. "No...never." she says and then couldn't contain her smile.

"Oh haven't I? I'm sorry...please forgive me." he says softly.

"Kiss me..." she demands. He goes ahead those few more centimetres forward and kisses her luscious lips. "Mmm...again..." she leans back onto the seat as he climbs on her and pushes a button on the side to lay her down. She squeals a little as the seat goes lower and lower and he kisses her non-stop, making her moan a little.

"Ssshh...not so loud. You might get my people in the back there to wet themselves." he kidds.

"Haha...sorry. Don't kiss me that way then. You know what you do to me already...." Continuing to talk to each other in this lovey dovey way, the plane slowly starts landing, making him get back in his seat next to her to buckle up. After the doors open, and their heading outside, she right away could smell the clean air, the fresh ocean winds. It did not feel the same way as Europe did. It was different, and she right away loved it. Before they got into the car waiting for them, she grabs his arm and says, "Don't tell me...you know how to speak Hawaiian..." He bursts out laughing!

"Hahahaha! Oh shit...No, no...I only wish I could, but no. That's a language mostly spoken by Natives. English is the primary language spoken here."

"Oh. Heh..." she says turning a bit pink and touching the side of her head. He smirks at her and takes her hand so they can board the car. As they're driving, she couldn't get over how beautiful this all was. So natural, so peaceful, so quiet. After about a 45 minute drive, going through one or two heavy rain downpours, they make it to their huge vacation house. Getting out of the car, she looks at the view right out to the ocean, after all it was an island.

"This is...just...wow..."

"Yeah...I always miss seeing this. I love Hawaii." he tells her.

"I love it too."

He turns to her. "You're gonna love it more after the memories we're going to create here." He moves his eye brawls up and down. Smiling big, she couldn't feel more of the same way. After the month spent on the other side of the world, to return home and have all of those things he entrusted her with, and to end it all here...in a paradise island....she felt it. She felt more ready....and couldn't wait for that moment to come. She really didn't know how he read her mind like that...but it didn't matter. It was going to happen... sometime soon, and it was going to be her way...and perfect.
 Walking inside the huge house, she right away went out to the back porch and took in the view of all the green hills and mountains, along with the beach surrounding everywhere her eyes looked. She turns back to see him bringing in their bags. As soon as he set hers down, he's suddenly thrown onto the bed, her arms swung around his neck, with her lips pressing against his.

"I'm so happy Kashi...you've made....you've made everything so wonderful. I never thought I would travel this way...let alone with someone I absolutely can't live without. Thank you. Thank you so much."

He smiles and kisses her. "I'm happy too...Sakura. I'm more than happy. I'm in heaven...everyday I'm with you." They stay kissing a bit on the bed and then go back outside and take in the breath taking views. They visit a few places that day, no where crazy, just around the city, and then end up at a Luau, joining the rest of the local community, and overall enjoying the rich, cultural vibes that surrounded them.
The next morning, they take it easy and walk around the main part of the city for a bit, getting to know the area and overall just getting the feel for the island. The day after that he was ready to take her to see what Hawaii had to offer, and ready for her to say again how much she loved it here. Driving another 45 minutes from the house, they reach a narrow tunnel, and end up in a small lot. He parks and they both get out. She looks around and notices being surrounded by the Diamond head's mountain peaks. 

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora