Achievements - Part 38

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           The next 6 months pass, and everything was back to normal. Sakura and Kakashi had their usual schedule going and were on a good standing...Yukino and Sasuke were still together....and Kawaki was finding himself, as well as having his own piece of drama on the side. It was the last week of their program and everyone was chatting about it in class. 

" excited to finally graduate from this crazy program?" Kawaki asks her as he's coming into class, putting his bag down on the desk.

"I am! I can't believe we finished!" she sighs in relief. "Did you get any offers yet??"

"I did, actually. One from the main hospitals here in Konoha, and another out of state. What about you?"

"Out of state?? Wow. Umm...I got one from here too, and one in another place." she didn't want to say where...not yet.

"Cool. Have you decided which one you're going to pick?"

"Mmm...not 100% sure..but if anything I'd probably want to intern here in Konoha."

"Hmm...taking the safe zone. Any particular reason why?"

"Mmm.." she thought about telling him...but she hesitates.

"You don't have to tell me." he tells her right away.

"Yeah...maybe not's a bit touchy. I'd probably have to be drunk to tell you."

He hisses. "Ouch. That bad, huh?"

"Yeah...kinda." She didn't want to bring up her parents, or her domestic incidents in the past so was very touchy why she was a bit grateful for that hospital in particular.

"You going to be celebrating with your husband?"

"Uhh..he's actually out of town at the moment, so I don't think I will right away. Maybe when he gets back."

"Oh, I see. So...he won't be at the ceremony?"

"Probably not. He said he was still working and wouldn't make it on time."

"Mmm." Hearing that made him feel bad..and kind of concerned for what type of person she was married to. No one should be alone after working this hard. 'Geez..after two years of all this and her husband can't even show up to a stupid graduation? How selfish can he be.' "'re more than welcome to come out with us. It's going to be me, my friend, Yukino, and Sasuke. Mostly food and drinks, nothing big."

She smiles. "Cool...thanks. That sounds nice. I just might take your offer."

It was the day of the ceremony. Everyone was hugging each other, parents and loved ones congratulating the graduates, while Sakura and Kawaki stuck together and made each other enough.

"We did it Kawakiii!!!" she jumps on him and gives him a big hug and kiss to the cheek.

He smiles and hugs her tight. "We did. You did." He kisses her back and then puts her down. They stand there for a second and looked into each other's eyes, then stepped back. They had become so much more comfortable with each other, it was sort of nice.

"I umm...couldn't have done it without know...thank you Kawaki. You're awesome."

"Oh shut're making me blush...dumby." he pushes her a bit as he turns a little pink.

She giggles. "Haha!" Her eyes suddenly adjust to someone in the background, a very familiar someone she didn't think was going to show up. "OH!" her eyes lit up. "It's my husband! Kakashiiii!!" she calls out to him and starts going towards him, pulling Kawaki along. 

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now