Yours is better - Part 15

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"Attacking the strawberries are we?" She only looks at him as she takes a bite of the tip of the berry, then holds it out to him to take a bite after her. He doesn't hesitate, and takes a big bite, almost eating the leaves as well. She doesn't say anything, and puts down the scraps of fruit that was practically all gone from his huge bite. He comes closer to her, and attempts to get a taste of her lips, bringing his towards hers, but the next strawberry gets in his way. She looks straight at him with her big green eyes as she takes a bite of the red berry. It irritated him so much for a second, but those eyes of hers...those damn beautiful eyes she had....he couldn't dare stay mad at. Staring deep into her, seeing that scar on her left eye that was faintly going away little by little, but he always noticed it everyday, he nods lightly and steps away from her.  "I'm umm...going to get ready for bed. I'm..a bit tired." He walks away, and heads straight to their bedroom and changes.

Sitting alone in the kitchen once again, she continues munching on her fruit, and stares blankly into the fridge in front of her and kept quiet...her mind and emotions still very much hurt from their dinner. After about 10 minutes, and 8 strawberries later, her phone vibrates on the counter.

'Hey...I know you're still on your honeymoon, but wanted to remind you that Sasuke's birthday passed a few days ago. I know I didn't bring it up last time we talked, but umm...hope you didn't forget.'

She freezes reading the text and drops her 9th berry, letting it roll onto the floor. " god....his birthday. I forgot his birthday!! Shit!!!" She texts Ino back right away with a cover. 'Of course I didn't forget...I got him something on my trip. I knew I wasn't gonna be back on time. What did you guys do?'

'Well...considering we're not really talking much...I did send him a text, and asked if he wanted to do anything, but he said no of course, that he really wasn't feeling it this year. But, maybe he did something with I don't know.'

Sitting there, she felt terrible. 'I'm such an awful friend. can I forget?! I never have forgotten...before....' 'Thanks for checking up on me though, it's nice to hear from you.'

'Lol. It's only been a few days. Hows it been going anyways??'

She bites her lip a little, looks at the opened bedroom door from where she was as she texts back. 'It's umm...good. It's going fine.'

'Fine?? Did something happen?'

She sighs and knew she should have chosen better words. 'We're good Ino. Just having...a bump on the road. That's all.' 'That's all this is, right? Couples always disagree...right?'

'Mmm...anything I could help with?' she offers.

Sakura thinks about it, but felt this thing was only between them...only between a wife and a husband, and no one else. ' I think we'll be fine. Like I said...just a bump.' She ends her convo, puts away the fruit she took out, then heads to the bedroom. After fixing herself, both of them were sitting up in bed silently reading their books. As good as one of the chapters was getting, he couldn't ignore the dead silence between them. He hated this tense feeling that was lingering, but still had a sense of relief that she cleared by the doc after today's incidents. After about an hour, the time hitting 8:30, he shuts his book and says,

"I can't do this. Talk to me please." She stays quiet, but closes her own book slowly. He keeps staring at her until she turned to look back at him.

"I'm tired..." she says, placing her book to the side table and going under the covers. He right away tosses his book on his side table, and follows her under the cover. Without touching her, he comes next to her ear and whispers,

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now