Party - Part 35

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Laying at home playing her guitar, while Sasuke was in the kitchen cleaning up a bit, her phone buzzes. Reading it, she gets a huge smile on her face and jumps up. Popping out of her room,

"Hey, babe! I'm going to go out tonight!" she announces.

"What? Where??" he calls out to her.

"I don't know yet!" she yells back as she starts undressing and gets ready to take a shower. About a minute later, he shuts off the sink water and heads over to the bathroom. Always leaving the door unlocked, he opens it and walks in to see her blurry body through the glass.

"Who are you going with?" he asks as he leans on the doorway.

"With Sakura. She hit me up right now and wanted to hang out." Being caught off guard by this, since she and Yukino have never hung out alone before, he had to make sure he heard right.

"Sakura...?? friend..? Pink haired....Sakura?"

She pauses her scrubbing with her loofah and turns to look his way, rubbing away some of the fog from the glass. " NOW she's your friend, hmmm??"

He rolls his eyes. "She's was never not, just-"

"You were just mad at her because you can't accept her choices....or maybe still love her." she blurts out.

"Yuuukiinoooo....don't say things like that." he says a bit bothered.

"What? I don't care Sasuke..I've told you this...but it's my turn friends with your pretty Sakura."

"My....pretty...Sakura...." he repeats after her, and shakes his head, not sure why she was saying all this. "Just what are you up to...?"

"OH my god, nothing!....Nothing. I just think she's...really pretty...that's all. Anyways...we're going out, and you can't come." She sticks out her tongue at him.

" that so?" he smirks.

" men tonight...just us girls. Excluuusive." she giggles.

He slowly walks up to the glass and slides it open slowly. "Is that how you treat your boyfriend....who lets you....come...all the time?" She smiles and turns around, giving him the full view of her stunning, wet body.

"Haha...damn...guess I should say things like that to make you more assertive with me, hmm?" She wastes no time and wraps her arms around him. "Get in here." she pulls him. He quickly undresses before anything else got wet, and hops in. Kissing her aggressively, she jumps up, wrapping her legs around him as he pressed her against the wall and had his way with her. About 30 minutes later, out of the shower and all, she dressed up in a tiny, fit black dress. Shes reaching for her purse when he stops her by her wrist.


"Hmm?" she turns to him.

"Let me at least drop you that dress..." he bites his lips, " can't leave looking like that."

She giggles and gives him a kiss to the lips. "Why...I'm flattered you like my outfit, so much so, that you feel jealous...but you don't need to be. You'll be fine...really. Trust me." she winks.

He exhales and kind of laughs, took one more look at her, and made sure to kiss her deeply before letting her go for the night. She makes fun of him once more before texting Sakura and heads downstairs, Sakura already out front waiting for her. She opens the door and sees her pink hair.

"Hi Sakura!" she crosses over and gives her a hug. "I'm so glad you text me! So you're ready to gooooo..." her eyes scan her up and down and notes her attire. "'re not dressed..." she points out.

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now