Honeymoon -3- Part 11

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The week in Italy was absolute bliss for the newlyweds. He took her back into the city of Florence the next day like she wanted and had already planned, and explored every square inch she wanted. He takes her to the Cathedral of Saint Maria del Fiore to admire the beautiful architecture, as well as visiting the famous Michelangelo's David in the Accademia Galleria. As they were both standing there looking up, she comments, "Wooah...it's huge...and so smooth looking..." He covers his mouth as his dirty mind already took that into context, and comes to whisper,

"Hopefully not bigger than me..." he says jokingly.

"Huh? What do you mean?? He's like 14 feet tall it says." He gives her a minute as she reads the little information plaque that was there in front, and then it clicked. Hitting him on the arm after she got it, he chuckles as she whispers with a red face, "You sicko! Why would I say...I wasn't talking about that!" The next few days they visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa, as well as travel to Rome and visit the Trevi Fountain, and the Colosseum. They didn't visit all the places the country offered as he didn't want to stress out on visiting every single place on their first visit. They would have plenty of time to come back and visit in the future if she wanted to. Not skipping out on the food places of course, they did stop by and tasted many different foods and drinks she'd never had. He loved to hear her 'Ooos'..'Mmms...' and 'aaahhs' every time she would try something new and delicious for her taste buds. Coming back to the hotel every night, they both would shower, and curl up in bed, sometimes with a book in hand. On there last night, he turns to her and asks,

"Are you sure you didn't want to go shop before we leave tomorrow?"

"Hmm?" she looks up at him for a second. "Oh, no. I'm fine. I already sent the postcards I wanted." she says, going back into her book. He slightly smiles, and couldn't be happier with how content she was with just being here with him, not asking for more, and also with her....new erotic romance book he couldn't get out of her hands. She had packed it before they had left home, and she wouldn't let him take a peek whatsoever. Made him more curious to know exactly what she was reading. He leans over and gives her a kiss to the cheek before getting up to get his phone that he had tried ignoring since they arrived. He comes back to sit next to her, and to his dismay had a few new emails that couldn't be ignored any longer. Scrolling, and reading, he sighs and gets up to go out to the balcony, closing the doors behind him. After being outside for almost 30 minutes on the phone, talking, emailing back, he comes back in to find her sipping on some wine they had bought that week, as well as having a glass for him waiting on his side table. He comes and takes it right away and has a huge swig.

"Mmm...thank you. I needed that."

"Is everything alright?"

He sighs and says, "Well...they called me for a few small meetings. It's umm...actually gonna be held in the next place I was gonna take you to."

"Next place? You mean...we're going somewhere else??"

"Yes of course. You didn't think this was it, did you?"

"Well...yeah, kind of." He shakes his head and couldn't hold in his big smile. "We're not close to done my love." and kiss her sweetly. The next morning, they pack up, and were off in his jet and flew to the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport in France. As they were getting closer into the city, she sees the tower from far away, and shouts, "PARIS!!!? We're....we're in Paris!!!" she says sooo excited, she latches onto his arm and shakes him a bit. He kind of laughs and pats her hand. 

"I see you recognized this one."

"Are you kidding?! I've always wanted to come here! It was one of my dreams to visit since I was a little girl.." she explains as she couldn't keep her eyes from looking out the window.

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now