Beg me - Part 2

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Through the couple of weeks, as Kakashi and Sakura were into planning their wedding, Sasuke was planning to get back to where he was with Yukino, and get another apology through to her. He didn't feel it was that big of a deal, or at least he didn't think it was at that given moment. He thought she would at least take it as a joke, but obviously, given she kicked him out, she didn't. That next morning being a Monday, he wasn't sure whether he would be seeing her waiting for him in the same normal spot with their coffees ready to go. To his relief, she was there. 'Guess...she got over it.'  he thought to himself. He makes eye contact with her from the bus as it passes by, gets off the bus as soon as the doors opened, and jogs to her.

"Hey." he smiles at her. "You got me my drink...thank you."

She looks at him with a serious face, and tried her best to not smile back as she always did for him. It was hard for her to not forgive him....he was just so..::sigh::. Every time she saw him, even though she was a bit upset at him, it was like a breath of fresh air...and it scared her a bit to say the least.

"" she gives it to him. "I didn't spit in it or anything..."

He laughs. "Hmph. I'm sure I deserve that though, don't I?"

She doesn't respond and they start walking to work. He tastes his drink, and it tastes the same as always. Nothing different. He looks at her sipping her hard core black coffee with creamer, and looks down to see her hand swinging freely by her side. He decides to reach for her, and almost had his hand fully mirrored with hers, but she pulls away. He sighs and tries again, and she swings it away.

"Hey..." he says grabbing her hand finally and making her look at him. "I'm sorry...about yesterday. I shouldn't have said that. I wasn't in my right mind, okay?" She only looks at him, then continues to walk. They make it to the elevator inside their building, and it seemed like a longer walk than usual with so much silence. Waiting for his floor, the doors open for him first.

"I'll...see you for lunch then?" he asks her as he gives her a kiss to the cheek, but not just any kiss. His tongue lightly touches her skin before his lips departed away. It sent a ripple of pleasure down her neck, down her spine, and ended at her-

"Y-yeah...I'll see you." He picks up his hand in a bye position, and goes to work. She takes a few deep breaths in the elevator before reaching her floor, and brings her hand to touch her cheek, still feeling the bit of moisture from his kiss. She sighs. "Just one 'I'm sorry', and one kiss does the trick, huh?..I'm already forgiving you. Ugh." she says to herself before she had to get off on her floor and starts her shift. Going through her shift, her mind kept going to that kiss in the elevator made her tingle, how she wanted more from him, though...for once...this guy was making her nervous, especially to say that she might be all his one of these days. In all truth, she didn't trust guys all that much...not anymore....not after her ex, but Sasuke was somehow challenging her.

The first time she met Haru, he was a bit cocky, but was nice enough to always do things for her during work. And now...just 2 months later after much bonding time, he changed on her. She started to endure his repeated sexual advances towards her, and even though he would make her laugh at times, and having some good connections, she kind of hated him now, but still kept him there for her own reasons. Were they all just the same? Nice in the beginning, and then they flip their switch when they're comfortable or got what they wanted?? She wasn't going to go through that...not again. This time she wanted to come up on top, and Sasuke seemed to be the right type of guy to tame. 'I want to figure him out, and soon. I hope he tells me what I want to hear. Prove to me....that you're not like the others. Before I get...invested.' As she was walking out from the elevator for her lunch break, she sees him already with two trays full of food, and waiting at their normal table. She starts sucking on her bottom lip, and walks up to him.

"What are we having today?"

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now