𝟎𝟓. 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭

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(yahari's pov)
i was still in the cafe on my phone and it looked like nobody wanted to be friends with me. i've had a couple of f*ckboys come up to me but i would immediately turn them down.i've actually stayed until baron's shift was over. he noticed i was still here and he smiled and went up to me.

"you've been here for a while now...you must be tired," he chuckled as he put on his jacket.
"yeah." i sighed.
"did you make any friends?," he asked.
"not really...i had a few f*ckboys come up to me but i'm not interested in them," i shook my head no.

"ah yeah, we get a lot of them here," he sighed.
"do you want me to walk you home? it's dark out here," he suggested.

i smiled and nodded. i was smiling like a idiot because of his courtesy. we both exited the cafe.


i've told baron everything about me and he told me everything about him as well.

"SO YOU'RE A DANCER?!," he gasped.
"yeah...why are you so surprised?," i chuckled looking up at him. (the height difference is real).

"i've never met a girl that dance before," he smiled.
"oh really?," i said a bit taken aback.
"yep," he nodded.
"wow," i said.
"so it's no surprise to me that you're a model," i complimented him. #rizzmaster

"yeah thanks," he winked.
i smiled and nodded at him.

i suddenly got quiet and my eyes popped out my socket like popcorn when i saw a very familiar face. intak.....

he saw us and he walked past me like he didn't knew me.
(intak's pov)

i was walking home from practice and it was a bit late than usual. i saw yahari with some guy. i'm not gonna lie, this guy was very good-looking,but i looked better than him. it truly broke my heart seeing them two together. i wanted to take her away from him, but i didn't want to be weird and ruin them. so i'm guessing she cheating on that guy with another guy. i decided to say something.

"YAH!," i yelled causing them to turn back to me.
"sorry...do we know you?," the guy said to me.
who does this guy think he is?," i thought.
"i'm not talking to you," i said coldly to the guy.

"can i talk to you yahari?," i looked at her.
"you know him?," he looked down at her. she nodded.
"uh sure....baron,can you give us a minute?," she said softly to him.
he gave me a death stare and nodded at her.
"i'll be in this convenience store," he pointed at it so she could remember. she nodded. i pulled her away to a empty dark alley.

"yah! what was that about?," she said confused.
"why weren't you at practice today?," i said a bit harshly.
"sorry...i was still a bit tired from the party," she apologized.
"yahari-ah....you can't be skipping practice like that,this is a very serious activity and we all need to  be consistent with each other," he scolded.
"i'm so sorry," she pouted.
i definitely felt bad for scolding her like this....,"
"i'll let it slide this time...don't let it happen again," i warned.
she nodded.
"who's that guy you were walking with?," i asked burning with curiosity.
"he's some guy i met at the cafe today," she said.
"are you guys dating?," i said once again burning with curiosity.
"YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A DAD RIGHT NOW," she chuckled and looked away for a minute.
"what if we are?," she raised her eyebrow.
"t-then....t-that's g-good for you," i stuttered knowing for a fact that some guy beat me to it. i'm truly crushed...
"thanks," she winked and walked away.
"yahari-ah!," i yelled. she stopped and turned around to me.
"what about that guy on your instagram story?," i asked curiously.
"what guy?," she tilted her head.
"on your h-highlights?," i slightly stuttered.
"oh javion?...he's just a friend," she softly chuckled.
"oh-," i said softly.
"why ask?," she said curious in my answer.
"no reason...i was just curious," i awkwardly chuckled scratching the back of my head. she pursed her lips and nodded.
"i'll be at practice tomorrow," she said.
i nodded and then she walked away.
i ran my fingers through my hair and let out a long sigh.
(end of intak's pov)

(yahari's pov)


"what did you guys talk about?who is that guy?," baron asked with curiosity.
"he's my leader in the dance team....i skipped practice today and he basically scolded me," i sighed.
"i see," he nodded.
"will you be able to stop by the cafè tomorrow? i really want to talk again," he smiled.
"i'll see if i can," she pursed her lips and nodded.
"hey i get paid tomorrow...what if we go see a movie and eat out?," he asked.
i was a bit hesitant.
"is it a date?," i smirked.
"oh no...it's just a outing?," he chuckled scratching the back of his head.
"sounds good," i smiled and nodded causing him to smile.
"ok i guess i can come get you here at 2pm?," he asked.
"perfect," i smiled.
"ok see ya later," he waved.
"see ya!," i waved at him and then he left.
(end of yahari's pov)

(intak's pov)
i entered my house and was greeted by my angry parents. "shit here we go....," i sighed to myself.
"YAH! WHERE WERE YOU?!," my mom yelled in my face. i looked away from her holding everything in and not trying to yelled back.

"i was at the studio," i said clenching my jaw.
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS BOY?!," my angry father officially joined the conversation.

"yes i'm aware...we had to redo the song we're performing countless of times," i sighed.
"SO YOU WERE AWARE OF THE TIME?!," he yelled aggressively pushing me back. i try to not resist fighting back and it was really hard.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO STOP AND COME HOME!!," she yelled and slapped my face.
i truly hate my parents.

"maybe you should just quit being a dancer and focus on something more serious," my dad suggested.
"good idea...tomorrow is your last day there and then i'm gonna terminate your contract from that place so you won't be able to practice there anymore," she said coldly.
"what?! why?!," i said on the verge of crying.
"because you were suppose to pick up insoo(his lil bro) from school....you had my baby walking home alone in the rain!!!," she yelled.
"i-i'm sorry....it didn't cross my mind to go pick him up," i said softly.
"yeah no shit boy," my father yelled rolling his eyes.
"starting tomorrow...i want you to pick insoo up from school every single day," she suggested.
"hell no...why don't you do it?! you literally stay home all day!," i yelled out of frustration to her.

she slapped me once more and my whole cheek was red.
"YES YOU ARE GONNA PICK HIM UP!," my dad yelled.
"GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!," my mom yelled.
"OMG I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS!!!," i said angrily aggressively pushing my dad out the way and headed to my room.

i slammed my door hard and fell face down on my bed. i screamed so loud not caring who'd come knocking. i basically cried myself to sleep.
(end of intak's pov)

(yahari's pov)
is he coming?," i asked gaeun.
"he's not picking up his phone," she sighed.
"maybe i should call him one more time," jiung said dialing intak's number.
we all waited to see if he would pick up but he didn't.
"what happened to him?did he die or something?," soul said tilting his head. i sighed.

we all heard footsteps coming in and it was intak.


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