𝟏𝟏. 𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩

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(intak's pov)
yahari was telling me about the studio she found in her apartment building and i was highly interested because we need one real bad.

"she said that the other renters are moving e week and so it'll be all ours by next week," she smiled.
• gosh...i can't believe that we found our building by a new recruit. i've been asking around trying to rent out a room but it was either the rent was too high or it looks like straight up crap.
but i'm glad someone found us one for a good price and i can't wait to share memories there.

"that's perfect!," i smiled.
i grabbed her face and kissed all over her as a thank you.
"thank you so much and good looking out!," i squeezed her in a tight hug and she was gasping for air so i released her.

"of course...i didn't like seeing you down about it and had to be on the move ," she smiled.
"awww you thought about me?,that's cute ,thank you," i pecked her cheek.

"i'm so excited," i smiled at her.
"me too and we already nailed the choreo," she smirked.
"wait how did you get kelly to memorize everything?," i asked super curious.

• kelly is a good dancer but sometimes she forgets some of the choreo and try to input her own choreo in it so it won't look like she messed up if that make sense. but only i can tell.

"she still needs to be worked on but everyone else did a amazing job! especially soul,"
"as expected,he's one of our best dancers,"
"but i'm mad that they decided to wait until the last minute to practice," i said about to get angry at the thought of it again.
"well it's okay now, they nailed the choreo, and we got a new building...everything is all good now," she smiled.
"yeah you're right," i sighed.
she pecked my cheek.

"oh and we have to get started on our number," i said.
she pursed my lips and nodded.

"that's cute! do another pose," i said as i forced yahari to take pics of her while it's her first time in jeju.

she's so pretty....she must be a model as well?! is there something she's not good at? damn.

"these are really cute hari-ahhh," i smiled and showed her the pics.
"ewww i look ugly in this one," she was about to delete it but i stopped her.
"no! you look really cute in this one," i snatched the phone from her.
"whatever just don't post it anywhere or show anyone," she pouted.
"why?!," i whined.
"i want to show off my girlfriend," i added.
"just show them the others pictures, they were decent,"
"fine," i pursed my lips and nodded.
"can you airdrop them to me please?" she said pulling out her phone.
i airdropped them to her phone.

"i'm sorry about earlier...the tteokbokki...," i scratched the back of my neck.
"you should sorry about the fact that you wasted your parents ingredients," she chuckled. i guess she forgives me...

"omg what is in that stuff to make it that spicy?!," she whined.
"i have no clue but it's good," i shrugged my shoulders.
"when you use a good amount of it," he added.
(end of intak's pov)

(yahari's pov)

> time skips >
after we cleaned up, i was craving ice cream so bad so we stopped by the convenience store near my house. we went to the ice cream section and they had ice cream with different varieties of flavors.

"which one do you think i should get?," i asked him clueless of what to get.
"i like the lemon kiwi flavor...but i think you would like the strawberry banana one," he insisted.
"strawberry banana it is," i grabbed it.

"omg!," my eyes widened as i saw baron walk into the convenience store. i couldn't hide because he spotted me already.
"hey yahari! what are you doing here?," he smiled.
"h-hey baron...i was just...i had a craving for ice cream so i came here to get some," i awkwardly chuckled.

"oh cool...are you here alone? it's kinda late,"he said a bit concerned.

i was about to say something but i heard intak coming around the corner saying something. i sighed.

"no she's not alone," intak smiled at him.
"o-oh....h-hey," baron stuttered a bit.
"hi...we were just leaving," intak wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked to the register.

"i'll see you later yahari?," baron shouted loud enough for me to hear.
"yeah see you!," i yelled and waved at him and intak sucked his teeth.
"what? he's my friend,"
"the friend that wants to f*ck you," he said super angrily.
"no he doesn't and how would you know?," i crossed my arms.
intak handed the cashier the money for the ice cream and we both walked out into his car.

"i've seen the way he looks at you," he said coldly.
"with his predator eyes,"
"so? i wouldn't let him f*ck me even if he or i wanted to....you can't just judge a book by it's cover intak ," i said angrily.

"i'm just trying to keep you away from him...i mean do you not see his bad boy aura?," he yelled.

"but he's a nice person tho," i pouted.
"yeah that's how they trick you into having sex with them," he explained.
"damn...is that how you guys think?,"
"yeah...but not me, i just want to love and commitment it's not all about sex to me," he explained.
"i just want you to think and act right hari-ah,"intak scolded.

damn my mom told me about these boys and i knew better...maybe i was just that desperate to meet new people in a foreign country.

"you're right...i think i was just hyped to find a friend in a different country," i sighed.
"i understand hari-ah...but you just need to choose them wisely," he scolded.
i sighed and nodded.

"are you jealous?," i smirked.
"what?! jealous? that's stupid," he sucked his teeth and laughed it off.
all i did was stare at him while he stared back.
"i just don't want a dude all over my girl," he rolled his eyes.
"now eat your ice cream before it melts," he said as he opened the packaging and feeding it to me.

"it's good," i hummed.
i nodded.
intak put it back in my mouth, took it out and kissed me....with tongue.
"EW!," i yelled pushing him off me while he laughed hysterically.

"that's some pretty good ice cream," he smirked and literally wiped his saliva off my
"you did that on purpose,didn't you?!,"
"no, i wanted to try it out myself," he smirked.
"you could've just tried the ice cream itself," i chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"no because it wouldn't taste right," he smirked and winked.
"you are such a flirt," i shook my head.
"a flirt for you," he puckered his lips.
"you're disgusting," i rolled my eyes laughing.

"wanna try mine?," he offered.
i leaned in to try the ice cream but he pulled it back making my lips land on his lips once again and proceeded to kiss me with tongue.

"intak!," i pushed him off aggressively and boy he was dying laughing.
"why do you keep doing that?!," i wiped my off.
"because i like pissing you off and kissing you," he bit his bottom lip.
"was it good tho?," he licked his lips.
"i couldn't really taste it,"
"then come taste it more," he leaned in but i pushed him back again.
"no," i said and went for his ice cream.
"wow that's really good!!," i widened my eyes.
he pouted.
"so the kiss wasn't good?," he pouted.
"wow i didn't know my stink could be this mean," he rolled his eyes.
"oh you haven't seen my mean side yet bookie," i winked.

intak dropped me off at home.
"what are you doing tomorrow?," he said.
he smiled and nodded.
"ugh i wanted to watch movies all day?,"i pouted.
"damn you really like movies," he chuckled.
"yeah i do,"
"but what do you plan on doing tomorrow?," i asked him.
"i wanted to work on our moves,"
"maybe the park?,"
"around 4pm?,"
"uh....that's good," i nodded.
"ok see you later tiny," he smirked knowing damn well i hate being called that.
"i'm gonna kill you," i was about to slap him but he pecked my lips.

i started watching some youtube videos on how to dance to tango contemporary so it'll be easier for me and intak. i stood up and was moving with the lady.

> time skips >
damn the aftermath. i was sweating bullets.
"damn how am i gonna nail this choreo without feeling tired in the middle of it?!,"

i jumped in the shower.

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