Most Def-You Don't Know My Name

Start from the beginning

'A confident, up front woman. I like that. What do you say we grab breakfast and go across the street to that park on Thursday?"

"Thursday is perfect...I'll see you next Thursday..."

'Thursday it is Ms.Alicia...see you then. Have a good night.'


Thursday came faster then expected. Butterflies filled Alicia's stomach the closer the subway got towards her stop near the park.

She stepped off and regardless of the crowded subway station they made eye contact immediately and she watched the smile appear on his face showcasing his deep dimples.

"Good morning Alicia. I'm so glad you decided to join me." Michael outreached his hand and grasped hers. His eyes trailed her from head to toe, mesmerized by her whole aura.

"You look beautiful."

"I see you definitely own more then suits. Causal wear fits you nicely..." She admired the way his relax fit jeans fit his frame.

"Preciate' it. Let me put you on to my favorite breakfast spot. Definitely won't be disappointed.."

Breakfast was a breeze. Conversations flowed easily. Alicia found out he was 28 years old. Single. No kids. He owned a marketing firm called BLK Market, LLC. He was definitely doing the damn thing.

"I feel like I've been doing all the talking so far."

"Well I'm 21, and I attend the Culinary Institute of New York and double major in baking and pastry and culinary arts.."

"That's dope. Mad props to ya ambitions. Keep at it. You're doing fantastic..." He complemented.

"I really appreciate that. Some days I feel like giving up, but I know all the blood, swear, and tears will pay off..Can a good sis get a break to release some stress though?"

They both laughed in unison. "You know what helps stress?" He asked.

"No, what?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

"A massage." Her mind wasn't leaning towards that answer, but she will take it.

"I've never had a massage before. Couldn't afford them.." Alicia stared off.

"Well you're in luck. Before I turned into the business mogul I am today, I went to school for massage therapy. I was damn good at it too, but I wasn't able to finish my program due to lack of funds."

"I can dig a multi talented man. I'll hold you to that because that would be life."

"Just say when and I'll put time inside the schedule." You can lay me across this table right now and I wouldn't complain.

"How about now?" She asked. He hadn't missed her subtle glances and flirtatious exchanges over the last year of being her patron, he just didn't have himself together to be worthy to pursue her.

"I might be able to make something shake. What time you work tomorrow?" He asked.

"I don't work.."

"Perfect. Are you comfortable coming to my place? Or would you prefer me to come to yours."

"I'll come to yours. Dinner is in on me...."

"Okay sounds like a date. See you at 7:00PM.." He murmured and helped her out of her chair and walked her towards her subway.

"I really enjoyed myself. Thank you for today..." He watched her shyness take over.

"Don't be shy now. We still have later on to look forward too.." He back stepped and headed towards his subway.

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