Chapter 12

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Tristan's POV
A nightclub full of half-naked women was the last place I needed to be. But a client of mine -that pervy fuck- insisted the strip club be the location for our meeting tonight. Unfortunately, he owns the club as well as a couple others in Venice and is never seen without a beautiful, naked woman clinging to his arm.

I rolled my eyes when I caught Cyrus' eyes wide and wandering. He was practically salivating at the sight of the lingerie-clad women.

Before Sienna, I would have been just like him minus the gaping and drooling. But I haven't even thought about another woman in years and I'm perfectly fucking content with that. 

Besides, my wife is crazy as fuck. Especially when she's pregnant.

"Right this way, Mr. Lucci," an Italian woman spoke, covered head to toe in leather. I didn't fail to notice the way her eyes wandered over my form.

I huffed in annoyance. I wasn't in the mood for this shit. We were brought over to the private room where Raymond Mancini sat waiting. Only, he was doing more than waiting.

I growled at the brunette on her knees sucking him off. I should shoot his ass for doing that shit in front of me. But I promised Sienna I would behave, and I intend on keeping that promise. Or at least trying to.

"Sit, sit," he ushered when he saw me.

I sat as far away from the fat, drunken bastard as I could, trying my best not to lose my temper. Another naked woman, blonde this time, stepped away from the pole centered in the middle of the dark room. She had her eyes on me, gold star-shaped pasties the only thing keeping the woman from being full bare.

I simply glared at her and she stopped, giving her a boss a nervous glance.

Raymond looked to me. "Anna is one of my best whores. I brought her just for you."

"I'm married." And he knew this too.

He laughed. "As am I."

Sick fucking bastard.

I wasn't new to the world of men cheating on their spouses. Just like it wasn't uncommon for the women to find love elsewhere when their men can't satisfy them. But just because it's a part of the "norm", doesn't mean I'm about to start that shit.

"If she touches me, there will be one less whore in this fucking place," I threatened, itching to light everyone in this damned club up.

Raymond chuckled nervously as he dismissed the naked woman. He knew I meant every word and didn't want to risk losing his "best whore".

He yanked the woman with her head still between his legs off him by her hair and I turned away as he adjusted himself. "Allentare, Tristano(Loosen up, Tristan)."

"Non sono dell'umore giusto, cazzo, Raymond(I'm not in the fucking mood, Raymond)."

"Apologies." He sat up. "Shall we get down to business?"

I gave him an icy look and he swallowed, realizing how minimal my patience was. He snapped his fingers, and the woman who had been sucking him off left. When she returned, she had a briefcase in her hand.

She then opened up the suitcase, revealing stacks of green paper. I motioned to Cyrus. You would be surprised how many of these bastards try to hand off counterfeit money or are short in payment thinking I won't notice.

Cyrus shook his head.

I swiftly retrieved my gun, cocking the weapon and aiming it at Raymond's head. His eyes flew up into the air in surrender. He looked like he was about to shit his pants.

"Where's the rest of my fucking money, Raymond?"

I bit down on my molars in irritation, because this entire fucking night had been a waste of my precious time.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about. It's all there." He began to cry. "I wouldn't betray you, Tristan. Believe me."

I nodded and took a deep breath. He's given me a reason to scatter his brains all over this damned room. My blood boiled because now I'm having to break my promise to my wife.

"You're lying," I stated, calling him out on his bullshit.

"I- I-"

I didn't wait to hear his answer as I pulled the trigger.

I'm sorry, mia cara(my dear).

His naked whores screamed and ran out of the room in horror. Cyrus closed the briefcase full of money and I stood up to fix the cufflinks on my suit.

"Locate the rest of my money," I told Cyrus before leaving the room and heading over to the bar. I almost ordered a whiskey but remembered the call I was going to have to make in half an hour. So I ordered a club soda instead.

The bartender fixed my drink and handed it to me. I took a sip and my nose crinkled. Shit tasted like ass. But I still finished it, before grabbing a hundred dollar bill from the pocket on the inside of my jacket and leaving it on the counter.

"Let's go. I'm sick of this fucking place."

Once we were back in the car and on the road, I stared at my phone, waiting for Sienna to call. The only thing that was going to brighten my mood after the shitty day I've had, was hearing from my family.

Cyrus stepped on the brake to let an elderly couple cross the street. They smiled and waved at us in appreciation. I thought about Sienna. I can't wait to get old and gray with her, because then I wouldn't have to worry about imbeciles like Raymond Mancini. I could just enjoy spending time with my wife in peace before I die.

The default ringtone to my cell filled my ears and I answered the call. Sienna popped up on my screen looking beautiful as ever. "Hi, husband. Say goodnight to the boys."

She gave Mateo the phone. He still didn't understand how to hold the phone properly, so of course, I saw most of his forehead and curls. "Hi, daddy," his tiny voice spoke.

"Not so close, Teo," I heard Sienna say, before shuffling sounded and more of Mateo's face was revealed.

"Hi, daddy!" He said again, his voice high-pitched and filled with excitement.

Gianni popped his head into the screen, smiling into the phone when he saw me.

"Were you guys good for mama today?"

"Yeah," they both replied.

After telling me all about their day, -Mateo taking the longest because he had to inform me about when he went to the bathroom or had something to eat- I said goodnight to my boys and instructed Mateo to hand the phone back to his mother.

Sienna left the room and went back to our bedroom. She climbed into bed and sighed, her back resting against the headboard. "How was the meeting with your client?"


"He's dead, isn't he?" She deadpanned.


"Tristan!" She chided.

"-but within reason," I finished. "He tried to fuck me over, and I wasn't about to let that son of a bitch live after that."

"You're right." She yawned. "You're still planning to come home tomorrow, right?"

I nodded. "Nothing's changed. I'll be home sometime tomorrow night."

She smiled, relieved to hear I would be back home tomorrow. She yawned once more, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Go to sleep, baby."

"I don't want to," she whispered, her eyes now closed.

"I know but you need to rest."

"Fine." She laid down and made herself comfortable. "But can you stay on the phone again? Just at least until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, baby."

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