Chapter 19

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The fighting had stopped, but the arguing had not. Mateo was having a hard time controlling his temper. Even the smallest of things set him off.

I spoke to mama Lucci about it. I wanted her advice being as she has a son with a short temper. She'd said, "he's Italian. What do you expect?" I'd laughed at that, and then she began to explain how she dealt with Tristan.

His temper stemmed from his father. Apart from being beaten and watching his own mother get attacked, it had pushed him over the edge.

Mateo's situation was different. Tristan has never put his hands on me. Not unless I wanted him to. And he would never ever hurt the kids in any way. He'd endure hundreds more beatings before he ever did that.

So, the only conclusion that I could think as to why Mateo's temper even existed was because of genetics. Mateo had inherited his father's temper and stubbornness.

I've tried talking to Mateo. But it seems gentle parenting only works for Gianni. So whenever he lashes out, I let Tristan handle it.

When he threw a temper tantrum because he didn't want to eat his vegetables. Or when he had to get ready for bed, but didn't want to.

Tristan didn't tolerate Mateo's temper tantrums. He'd simply glare, and Mateo would stop.

"Use your words," he'd always tell him.

After tucking the boys in for the night, I closed the door to their room and cut through my bedroom to get to the bathroom. The setup kind of reminded me of our own home.

I knocked before entering. Tristan just finished using the bathroom, a pained expression on his face. Using the bathroom always irritated his rib cage. The doctor had said it would be a little while before they fully healed.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern, hurting for him as I watched him slowly shift to the sink.

He nodded, turning on the water so he could wash his hands. "I can handle a little pain, mia amore(my love)."

"I know, but..." I didn't finish that sentence. It's not easy for me to just sit back and watch. But being with Tristan has taught me that sometimes he has to deal with things alone.

"Come," he instructed, glancing at me through the vanity mirror. I padded across the marble flooring.

I stood behind his large frame and snaked my arms around his mid-section. We both stood in silence, staring at the healing incision on his chest.

Tristan took my hand and brought it up to the scarring mark. The pads on the tips of my fingers lightly brush the rough skin. He still had some bruising on his ribs, but it wasn't as dark in color as it was before.

"Does it hurt?" I mumbled, feeling stupid after asking the question.

Tristan nodded, breathing heavily as I continued to touch him lightly. I still can't believe I almost lost him.

The wound was starting to scar, pinkish brown undertones etched in his torso. He was still beautiful in spite of the ugly mark. In fact, the scar actually made him more beautiful. I appreciated this scar because it reminded me that I still had my husband. That he was alive.

I circled him so I could be in front of him. He watched me with curious eyes as I leaned in to kiss the mark. "You're not allowed to ever leave me," I said, looking up at him.

He reached up to run his fingers through my hair. He gave me a small smile and leaned down to kiss me. "You keep saying that like I'm ever going anywhere. I thought we already established I was yours."

"I just like reminding you."

"Do you now?"

"Mhm," I said against his lips when they met mine for another kiss. "Just as I am yours."

Suddenly, I was being turned around. Tristan's erection dug into my ass and I instinctively grinded against him. One hand grasped my throat, causing me to tilt my head back so I was looking at him. His other hand slipped underneath the waistband of my shorts past my panties to rub my bud.

"Show me just how mine you are, baby."

I whimpered. "You're going to get us in trouble with the doctor."

"He said no sex. He didn't say anything about me touching you."

That was true. The doctor made it clear that we weren't to do anything strenuous in order to prevent his stitches opening up or his breathing to reach dangerous levels.

This was mild compared to the damage the two of us could really do.

He lifted my shirt, wanting to see my belly. "Bellissima(Beautiful)." He kissed my temple, still watching me. He loves watching the way my face contorts when he's touching me.

I took control, taking his hand and guiding it to where the ache bothered me the most.

"Right here?" He whispered against my temple.

"Mhm. Right there."

"You're drenched, mama."

"You're surprised?" I teased.

He said to show him just how his I was. Nothing said I was his like my pussy did. Nothing made me wetter than he did. Not a single man has ever been able to get me so aroused to the point of dripping like he did.

"Not surprised. Amazed. I love what a little slut this pussy becomes for me." He said this while two of his fingers entered me.

I grabbed his wrist, clawing his skin with my nails. It wasn't deep enough to draw blood, but enough to have white streaks temporarily trailing behind my nails.

My pussy clenched around him as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of me.

Tristan groaned. "I wish I could be inside you right now. Feeling your walls hug my dick just like this."

"Soon, baby."

The heel of his palm rubbed away my ache while his fingers stroked my spot. Looking up into his eyes, I giggled when he glided his tongue over my lips.

I jerked forward when I felt my climax nearing. If he wasn't currently holding me against him, I would have been bent over the sink.

His index moved to separate my lips as his tongue darted into my mouth. I began giggling again when he kissed his way up my nose to my forehead.

"I love kissing you."

"I love that you love kissing me."

He chuckled. My mouth fell open when the spot he was stroking brought forth an immense wave of pleasure shooting down to the tips of my toes. I started seeing stars, my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

It took a minute for me to catch my breath. But when I did, and my eyes were open, Tristan was licking me off his fingers like I've seen him do many times.

A satisfied groan surfaced, the sound vibrating against my back. "Your pussy's so much sweeter with my babies inside you."

I turned, having to stand on the tips of my toes as I kissed him. My lips detached from his when I heard a knock on the door.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I heard Mateo call.

I pulled away from Tristan to open the bathroom door. Mateo and Gianni stood on the other side in their dinosaur pajamas, looking exhausted.

"You can't sleep?" I questioned.

They nodded, Gianni rubbing his eyes and Mateo yawning and sniffling. "I want to go home."

I sighed. "I know, bambino(baby). How about you guys sleep with me and daddy? Would that make you feel better?"

They nodded once more before turning to climb into our bed and make themselves comfortable. I returned to Tristan's side, looking at him to see if he needed help.

He grinned, sensing my hopefulness. "You want to help me?"

"Yes," I admitted.


"Okay?" I questioned in surprise.

"Hurry up before I change my mind."

I bit back a smile as I happily held Tristan's hand so I could help him get to the bed. I love taking care of him. And he knows it.

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