Chapter 48

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One month later
"Gio! Teo! Let's go."

The boys came scrambling down the steps and out the door. I followed them outside and waited for them to get settled in the backseat before getting in front.

Cyrus approached the window.

I looked over at him, the hope in my eyes slowly diminishing day by day. "Anything?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

I took a breath, swallowing the cry trying to rip itself free from my throat. It's been a month since Tristan left. No one has heard from him. No one.

Trying not to have another breakdown in front of my children, I simply nod my head and look away. I can feel Cyrus' sad eyes on me before he turns to head back into the house. He's been in charge since Tristan left. I don't have the willpower to be Don.

I glance in the rearview mirror, watching my children talk and play with one another. They've been asking about their father. Wondering when he's going to come back. Oftentimes, I don't have an answer because I don't know myself.

"Stai bene(Are you okay)?" Vinny asked as he got in the car.

Sighing, I run my hands through my thinning hair and manage a nod. I'm beyond stressed. My hair's thinning, I'm losing weight, and I honestly can't remember the last time I've had a good night's rest. Actually, I do remember. It was that night Tristan came home and held me in his arms.

I quickly wiped away the single tear that rolled down my cheek. I don't want my children to see me cry. Not again.

Vinny watched me with a concern-filled gaze for a moment longer before eventually bringing his attention to the road. I stared out the window, trying to distract my mind from the pain in my chest.

We passed by crowds of people and skyscrapers as we drove into New York. We were heading to the airport to pick up my parents. They flew in to be with me and the children. It's become a bit of a struggle having to parent alone. If it wasn't for my family, I probably would have cracked a long time ago.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the airport. Vinny located my parents and pulled up to the curb where they were waiting with their suitcases.

The kids got out of the car and ran into my parents' arms. I smiled at the interaction, the smile on my face feeling foreign. The last time I smiled was with Tristan. 

God, I miss him.

Taking another breath, I opened the door to greet my parents. They came over to me, my mom immediately pointing out my appearance. "Cara(Dear), you look like a ghost." She grabbed my arms and my face. "When's the last time you ate something?"

I shrugged.

My mom pulled me in for a hug. "Where is that no good husband of yours, huh? Why isn't he here taking care of you and the kids?"

"We got into an argument, mom. I told you this already."

She scoffed. "This is all his fault. If he-"

"Don't blame him, mom. We both said and did things we shouldn't have."

Her eyes rolled, but she dropped the subject. She and my dad got in the back with the boys, the four of them striking up their own conversation.

Vinny handed me a granola bar he must have grabbed from the kids' snack box. "Mangiare(Eat)."

"I'm not hungry."

"You are eating for three, Sienna. Even if you aren't hungry, you need to maintain your health for the sake of the babies. I will not have Tristan skin my ass alive because you were careless. Now, eat."

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