Chapter 34

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Sienna's POV
Jolting awake, I checked to make sure the boys were okay. A sigh escaped me at seeing them still fast asleep beside me. 

The nightmare I had wasn't just a nightmare. It had really happened. My boys had been taken from me. And I had almost lost them.

Unable to fall back asleep, I looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. It's four in the morning. Glancing at the boys, then Tristan, I carefully and as quietly as possible slip out of bed. I make sure not to wake them as I wobble my way into the bathroom.

I remove my clothes and step into the glass shower. I'm hoping that the warmth of the water will help me to relax. While my enemies are dead, my worries are far from over. As a mother, I don't think you ever really stop worrying. Especially when it comes to a life like ours.

I ran my hands through my wet hair and took a breath. I don't know what Tristan did to Heinrich Shafer last night. But when I saw the look in his eyes, I knew that we were safe. That he would never be able to hurt me or my family again.

I wanted to be there when he died. I wanted to see that bastard's smug smile fall and the life in his eyes fade. But my children were my priority. I'm a mother first. No matter what I'm feeling.

"Amore(Love)?" Tristan's low, sleep-filled voiced called.

"In here," I replied. I knew it wouldn't be long before he noticed I wasn't still sleeping beside him. 

He appeared from around the corner, his eyes heavy with sleep as he yawned. He took off his boxer briefs and joined me in the shower. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why are you up so early?" He questioned, holding me close to his body.

"I couldn't sleep. Had a nightmare."

"About the kids?"


He sighed, his frustration made obvious. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you needed your sleep."

He grasped my chin, forcing my head back so I was looking up into a pair of amber eyes. "Fuck sleep. You needed me more. So from now on, you wake me. I don't care if I haven't slept in twenty-four hours. If you need me, let me know. Do you understand?"


"Good girl," he breathed softly, the hand around my chin falling down to my belly. He smoothed a hand over the growing mound and I closed my eyes, melting into him. 

When I felt his lips on my shoulder, I smiled. Him just being here, like this, it calmed me. Made the worries go away. He kept his hand on my stomach while the other slithered its way between my legs.

I inhaled deeply, feeling his fingers enter me. His palm brushed my bud. A moan slipped out that time. I grabbed a hold of his arm, digging my fingernails into his skin.

I wasn't going to be able to hold on any longer. Tristan knew it too. "Let it out, mama."

I relaxed my body and I let go. As pleasure filled my body, I could feel the tension in my muscles leave. I felt better. Way more relaxed than I did a moment ago.

Turning around, I chuckled and dropped my head onto my husband's chest. After taking a moment to catch my breath, I lifted my gaze to his and kissed him. "Thank you, handsome."

We stayed in the shower for another ten minutes before getting dressed and checking on the boys. After what happened, I don't like them to be out of my sight for long. I think Tristan's feeling the same way. Sometimes, he just stares and watches, like he's afraid they will disappear again if he doesn't.

I sat down at the end of the bed. Tristan's jaw clenched. I grabbed his hand, trying to comfort him. "It's okay. They're not going anywhere." 

His eyes slowly lower to mine before settling on my stomach. 

"No one is ever going to hurt our kids," I continue. "They've tried. Agostino. Shafer. Anya. And not only did they all fail, but they will never see the light of day again. You and I made sure of that. And if anyone else tries to come for our family, we will personally see to it that they join the others in hell."

Tristan smirked, proud. "That's my girl."


We said our goodbyes to Miko and his family after thanking them for letting us stay. We weren't heading home just yet. Tristan's having the house revamped. After Sandrino was killed and the children taken, he's having our contractor put in a new security system.

It was a little later in the day and since we couldn't go home just yet, we decided to take the boys over to Benny's spot, where I used to work. Benny greeted us as soon as we stepped foot in the diner.

"Hey, long time no see!" He gave me a hug, mentioning how good it was to see me and how much Mateo has grown since he saw him last.

It's been a little over a year since we've been back here. This place brings back a lot of memories. Good and bad. It's nice to see business is still going strong. And while the place has been layered with a new coat of fresh paint, and the uniforms are a little different, it still looks and feels exactly like I remember.

"It's good to see you too, Benny."

His dark eyes are on my stomach now. "Wow. Congratulations to you and Mr. Mafia over there."

"Thank you," I replied with a chuckle. "We're super excited."

Benny leaned in, nervously glancing at Tristan as he whispered, "Please tell me you're having a little girl. I'm not sure if another one of your husband is a good idea."

I was laughing now. "We're having twins. A boy and a girl." Benny's eyes widened as he walked away and mumbled a little prayer. I shook my head at the dramatics and joined everyone in the booth.

After a waitress came by to take our orders and the food was brought out, the boys asked us about Sandrino.

Neither one of them actually saw what happened to Sandrino, thank God, but I have no doubt in my mind that they know something happened. So we did our best to tell them in a way that they would understand. And made sure to leave the gory details out.

"The bad guys hurt him?" Mateo questioned in a whisper, his eyes brimming with tears.

Tristan nodded.

"What about the bad guys who took us?" Gianni asked sadly. "What happened to them?"

"Your daddy and I took care of it."

"Like Batman and Robin?"

I looked at Tristan and answered, "Yeah. Like Batman and Robin."

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