Chapter 50

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The sound of their cries was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. "You did it, mama. I'm so proud of you. They're beautiful." Tristan kissed my head while holding our baby girl, Alani, in his arms.

I held our son, Andreas, to my chest as his cries began to fade. Although my babies were born premature and a little small, they were healthy and perfect. Even with that knowledge, Dr. Lee wants me to stay in the hospital for a few days to monitor my health as well as the babies to make sure they are safe to go home.

"Okay, my turn," my mom said, smiling with excitement. 

Tristan handed her our daughter before taking our sleeping son and handing him to his mother. He turned to me. "Rest, mama. I'll take care of the twins."

Yawning, I grabbed his hand. "Can you sleep with me?"

"This bed's not big enough for the both of us, baby."

I was exhausted, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep like I wanted to if he wasn't lying next to me. "I can't sleep without you."

He smiled. "Okay, baby."

Our parents spent some time with their grandbabies before heading back to the house so I could get the rest I needed. Tristan took off his shoes and got in bed with me. He was gentle, afraid if he held onto me too tight that he would hurt me. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm." Another yawn escaped, and before I knew it, I was drifting off into a deep sleep. This time, I only had good dreams. Dreams of Tristan and I raising our children together. We were happy. It was perfect.

Some time later that night, I awoke to our daughter crying, and Tristan whispering soothing Italian words while he rocked her in his arms. He had a baby bottle in his hands, probably not wanting to wake me to breastfeed.

She was so tiny, Tristan's large hands nearly as big as she is. He kissed her forehead, her beautiful hazel eyes, like mine, staring up at him.

I glanced over at our son. He was sleeping peacefully in the hospital bassinet. While they were both fraternal and our son was slightly bigger than his sister, they looked nearly identical in appearance. 

Tristan thinks they look like me, but I think they look like a good mix of the both of us. They both had a full head of dark curly hair, but Tristan's nose and eyebrows. I was so certain they would also have his amber eyes, especially our son. It was a nice surprise to see the twins not only had my eye color but my lips as well.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" Tristan whispered.

I shook my head, admiring how sexy he made fatherhood look. "I like watching you be a daddy."

Setting down the barely half-drunken bottle of milk, I watched as Tristan carefully laid our daughter back down in her bassinet.

He then went over to the couch and sat down. He pushed his hips forward, his legs slightly manspread. He looked so good. Chewing on my bottom lip, my eyes float up to his when I hear him say, "Mama, we need to talk."

"Right. The elephant in the room." It was time we had this talk.

"Mhm. I want you to go first. And don't hold back."

I cleared my throat, everything I've been feeling and wanting to say pouring out of me. "I love you. And I hate that I hate you for leaving me as long as you did."

He didn't react, as if he knew that was what I was going to say. He just sat back, his eyes trained on me as he listened to me get everything off my chest.

"We tried to get a hold of you, but you were like a ghost. There was a single moment... where... where I didn't think you were coming back." I didn't realize I was crying until I reached up to touch my face. "The kids missed you. So much. They asked for you every day."

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