Chapter 42

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Tristan's POV
My office filled with smoke from my cigar as I laughed at a comment Miko made. Miko decided to drop in for a visit before he heads over to his father's place. I appreciated the company. This morning had been a rough one. Sienna is not feeling too well, and ever since Alessandro popped back up in my life, I haven't been in the best of moods.

"Every time I see you, I feel like there's some shit going on." Miko scoffed and shook his head. "I can't believe Alessandro's back."

"I knew he'd end up tracking me down eventually."

Miko's eyes narrowed. "You're worried," he observed. "Why?"

"He likes Sienna. I can tell."

The moment he saw her, I knew. He and I have always found interest in the same kinds of women. Only, Illaria was the first woman he ever pursued. He and I made an agreement that we would never go after the same women, nor let one get in between us.

We'll, look how that fucking turned out.

I groaned while listening to Miko tell me how I had nothing to worry about and that my wife would never cheat on me. Although I did know that, I haven't forgotten about that Russian she fucked before he died. Every now and then, I'm reminded of the two of them fucking in his house. The visual pisses me off even more because no matter what I do, I can't ever erase it from my mind.

"You trust, Sienna?" My best friend asked.

"Of course I do. What kind of fucking question is that?"

Miko gave me a look. "A part of you is scared as fuck that she'll leave you and never come back."

I smoked more of my cigar and blew the cancer stick into the air. "It's not like she hasn't left me before."

"That was different then. You know that."

"I know, but it's fucking Sandro. That bastard has never had issues with women, nor with getting what he wants."

Miko shook his head. "He's not going to go after your wife. He's not that stupid."

We'll see.

We smoked some more, while Miko discussed Marcellius' plans to retire. His second oldest, Daimon, will be taking his place. The kid has potential. And if he's anything like his father, it will be wise of me to remain on good terms with them.

"Do you think he's ready?"

Miko gave it some thought before responding. "Daimon's a hothead like my uncle Nic. So, in all honesty, he's either going to keep our family's legacy alive, or he's going to destroy everything we've built."

I thought about my own legacy. Mateo's a bit of a hothead, too. I know he gets it from me. Sienna won't let me forget it. But he's smart and will not allow himself to make reckless decisions. Everything Mateo has ever done has always been with intention. Even when he was fighting at school.

Miko stood. "Well, I better get going. My nonna(grandmother) will be pissed if I'm late." He turned and started for the door. "And remember what I said," he tossed over his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you."

He left, and on his way out the door, Sienna entered. Her and Miko shared a quick exchange before she shut the door and plopped down in the chair he was just in.

My eyes met hers, and I knew immediately something was wrong. "What happened?" Her eyes watered, and I wanted to kill whoever put them there. "Amore(Love)."

I watched a single tear roll down her cheek when she asked in a broken voice, "Am I bad mother?"

I was offended. "What kind of fucking question is that?"

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