Chapter 31

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I handed my mirror to Tristan so he could get a better view of the finished look. "What do you think?"

He turned his head in every direction, checking out all of the changes I made to his hair. I shaved the sides down slightly and trimmed the curls on top. It's more clean cut than before. More tame and less wild. He looks handsome.

"Not bad."

I frowned, snatching the mirror from him. "Not bad? Baby, I made you look good."

He smiled. "You did. I'm just messing with you." He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my neck.

"I should've made your ass bald instead."

He peppered my face with kisses before pulling away when Cyrus entered the room. "Boss, we have an unwelcome guest."

Tristan and I both stood. He grabbed both our guns from the drawer in his office and handed me mine. I cocked my gun, ready to use it if need be.

Who is it?" I asked.

"A woman. She claims she knows you."

I looked at Tristan in confusion. I wasn't expecting anyone. Besides, the only people who know our address are family and friends.

"The boys?" Tristan questioned.

"With Sandrino in the safe room."

Tristan nodded, and we all headed into the foyer where the guys surrounded our unwelcome guest, their guns at the ready.

They parted down the middle, letting us through. I froze when I saw who the woman was standing before me. Dark hair and blue eyes just like his.

"Anya Sokolov," I greeted in surprise.

Tristan looked at me. He recognized the last name, a frown marking his features. He wasn't happy about her being here. Brought up a past that Tristan hated, and I wasn't very proud of.

"What are you doing here?"

Anya and I never met in person. We only ever spoke on the phone. I wouldn't consider us friends or even acquaintances. The last time we spoke was a day or so after he died.

"I just wanted to meet the woman my brother was in love with."

Tristan's frown deepened from beside me. His finger teased the trigger. He didn't know Dimitri was in love with me. There wasn't a reason to tell him because it wouldn't have changed anything. He's the only one I love.

"It's been years, Anya. Why now?"

Her eyes lowered to my stomach before splicing back up to me. "You really don't know?" Hurt flashes in her gaze before they turn cold and hateful. "Seriously, Sienna?"

"What are you..." Shit. Today was the anniversary of Dimitri's death. "Anya, I'm-"

"For someone who enjoyed fucking my brother, it seems you really never gave an actual fuck about him."

"That's not true, Anya. I may not have loved him, but I definitely cared about him."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Bullshit," she snarled, her Russian accent full of anger and frustration.

She didn't believe me. Though I didn't really expect her to. She needed someone to blame. And since Agostino is no longer alive, I was the one at fault. After all, he was in the car with me when he was shot and killed.

Anya took a breath. "I heard you are having twins."

I stiffened. "Who told you that?" No one besides my family and friends know I'm pregnant with twins.

"You're not the only mob with connections."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snarled.

We've been betrayed before. If there's another fucker stabbing us in the back... I remembered Rafaele and how he had turned against us. Though I don't know that he was ever really on our side to begin with.

"Russians don't normally get along with outsiders. But after losing my brother, I made a few unlikely friends. German friends, to be more specific."

"You're fucking helping Heinrich Shäfer!?"

Everything fell into place like missing pieces to a puzzle. The whole time the Fierri's thought Yuri was the Russian we couldn't trust. But it turns out Dimitri's sister was the one who couldn't be trusted. I was holding in so much guilt for what happened to her brother that I never thought she would do something like this.

"I wouldn't say helping," she stated. "We just both happen to desire the same thing. Besides, he doesn't even know I'm Russian." Suddenly, her accent was gone, and she was speaking in the most perfect American accent. "Americans aren't that hard to impersonate." Her eyes shift to Tristan. "I thought Shäfer was kidding. But you really do refuse to die."

Tristan realized she was the one who shot him a second before I did and lunged. He managed to get his hands around her throat. She was slammed into the door, her face red as spit foamed around her mouth. She clawed at his hands, trying to rip his hands from around her throat.

Tristan squeezed tighter.

Then she started laughing. Guns were aimed at her, and Tristan was seconds away from snapping her neck. Yet, she was as calm as ever.

Something was definitely wrong.

Tristan dropped her. I know how badly he wanted to take her life, but the last thing he wanted to become was his father. Two of the guys grabbed her, keeping her from escaping. We were going to have to deal with her later.

I noticed Tristan clutch his chest, and I immediately rushed to him and checked to make sure he hadn't overdone it. "I'm fine." He moved away from me, still pissed off. "Don't fucking let her out of your sight," Tristan ordered to his men.

"Cute kids, by the way," she tossed over her shoulder while being dragged down to the basement with a crooked smile.

As soon as we heard Anya mention our kids, Tristan and I ran. And we didn't stop until we were in the safe room hidden behind a large picture of me and Tristan on our wedding day.

"Teo?" I called.

"Gio?" Tristan called.

Neither one answered. We turned on the light as we went deeper into the apartment-like room.

Tristan made me wait in the living room while he checked the bedroom. They were definitely in here. There was  gelato out on the counter with two spoons shoved inside of it, and a couple of superhero action figures Mateo likes playing with.


Tristan's rage-filled voice had me tearing my gaze from the Italian dessert and racing towards him.

My heart dropped when I saw Sandrino. He was dead. A single bullet wound to the skull. Beast was in the room, limping, his muzzle covered in blood.

And the boys, they were nowhere in sight.

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