Chapter 45

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It's been a couple of days since the familial drama that occurred over dinner at Angel and Katya's. Tristan has since spoken with his family, every single one of them apologizing for not being more considerate of his feelings.

Everything was great. The kids are thriving in school. Especially Mateo, who hasn't gotten into any more fights. And now that I think about it, I haven't either. My stress levels are low. So low that after seeing Dr. Lee again, he told me how proud of me he was.

Life has been so good to us that I can't help but feel like disaster is getting ready to strike. That's how it's always been for us. Right when we're at the peak of happiness, some nonsense happens and threatens to rip it all away from us.

I pushed that gut feeling in my stomach aside as I headed for the car. Both Vinny and Cielo were with me. I kept telling Tristan I would be fine by myself, but he wasn't hearing it. Since he wasn't able to be with me for the twins' check-up, he sent Cielo.

"Thank you," I told Vinny when he opened the door for me. I was getting ready to get in when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

I looked back, my eyes rolling when I saw who it was. "Not today, Sandro."

"Please, Sienna. Just let me explain."

He took a step towards me. Vinny and Cielo took a step towards him. Alessandro raised his hands in surrender. "I just want to talk."

"I don't understand why you keep coming to me. I'm not the one you betrayed."

"Tristan will listen to you."

I sighed and sat down in the car. "One minute."

Cielo and Vinny both tossed a concerned expression in my direction. They weren't sure about any of this. And honestly, neither was I. I told Angel and Tristan I would stay away from Alessandro. Yet, here I am.

"Don't tell Tristan," I told the guys. "Please."

I know my failure to tell my husband that I'm talking to Alessandro is very dangerous. But a part of me has always been curious to hear his side. Not that it would ever change how shitty of a person he is for what he did.

Alessandro joined me in the car, sitting opposite of me. "Sandro," I warned before he began. "Now I'm telling you right now, do not fuck with me. I'm not in the mood. Now speak."

Alessandro smirked as he replied with a, "I wouldn't dare. Besides, my face still hurts. You might actually hit harder than Tristan," he joked.

I was not amused. I crossed my arms over my chest, losing patience. I was already disobeying my husband by letting Alessandro speak to me. So I didn't have time for his jokes.

Alessandro caught on, dropping his smile and clearing his throat. "Listen, I know that what I did was wrong. But I was in love with her."

"That's no excuse to sleep with your best friend's girl."

"I know, and I'm so sorry. If I could take it all back, I would."

I could tell he was being genuine. He truly felt sorry for what he'd done. Though I doubt being with Illaria was what he felt sorry for. Now betraying your best friend? That's probably what he regrets most. Illaria was the first girl Tristan ever cared about. And not only did he sleep with her for months behind Tristan's back, but now she's dead.

"I think you should save all the 'I'm sorry" shit for Tristan."

Alessandro's blue eyes splice down to his lap before settling back on me. "There are things you should know."

"What are you talking about, Sandro? Tristan already told me everything."

"Not... everything." I straightened in my seat. Alessandro took a breath. "Tristan doesn't know this, but he wasn't the father of Illaria's babies. I was."


"And if he hadn't cheated on her the summer before, she wouldn't have come crying to me and-"

"Wait. What?"

"It was a one night stand with some random American girl. He was drunk. When Illaria found out, she wanted revenge. I knew I shouldn't have given in, but like I said before, I was in love with her. And had been for a very long time. I would have done anything for her." His eyes watered. "I know you know what I'm talking about. When every breath without them hurts."

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I feel that way every day. Which is why it hurt more, knowing Tristan didn't tell me the whole story. Why do I feel like I really don't know my husband as much as I thought I did? There's a whole side of Tristan I don't know, but Alessandro does. Tristan only ever told me about his father and how horrible he was. And he just barely talks about that.

I mean, it took Alessandro coming back for me to even learn about all of this. Which makes me wonder if he would have even told me had he not shown up on our doorstep.

"How do I know you're not lying to me right now?"

"I have no reason to lie to you, Sienna."

His eyes swiftly skim over me, and I shift uneasily. I didn't notice it before, but Alessandro's got that same look in his eyes that I've seen in Tristan. Only, I feel absolutely nothing for him. He doesn't make me feel the way Tristan does when he looks at me.

"I think you should go. This conversation was a mistake."


"Please, Sandro. You've already said too much." He shouldn't have told me this. Now I'm wondering if my husband is a liar and if I should even tell him what he told me about Illaria. I just feel so lost and confused. I should have just gotten in the car and let Vinny and Cielo take me home like they were supposed to.

Tristan said he was going to talk to him, so I should have just let him deal with this. I should have just stayed out of it and avoided him altogether like he asked me to. Cazzo(Fuck), I really don't listen.

Suddenly, I felt like shit for going behind my husband's back. I'm no better than the rest of them. Agostino. Rafaele. Alessandro. Mierda(Shit), it's worse. I'm his wife. Why the hell didn't I just listen?

"We never had this conversation. As a matter of fact, you were never here."

Alessandro nodded, giving me a small, half smile. "I'm so happy Tristan was able to fall in love and have the family he wanted in spite of all the shit he went through. You're good for him. And damn is he lucky to have a woman like you."

Something told me he's not with his daughter's mother. And probably hasn't been in a real relationship since Illaria. I felt bad for him. I wish I didn't because of Tristan, but I did. And now knowing that he cheated... it changes everything.

"Thank you," I replied, mirroring his own smile.

I froze when he unexpectedly leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Sandro, what are you-"

He pulled back. "Don't worry, I'm not going to make the same mistake twice."

He got out of the car, leaving me stunned. I didn't know what to do. What to say. I had no idea what my next move was. Do I tell Tristan about all of this? Do I even tell him what I know? Why the hell is this so damn hard?

Dio, avrei davvero dovuto ascoltare(God, I really should have listened).

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