213 | Dark Clouds

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     "Someone you can't easily escort out? Who?"

     Magnus's secretary adjusted his necktie and then answered, "The second son of the Hendrix Group, sir. Tanis Hendrix."

     Magnus's eyes instantly widened in shock. The moment he heard of the name, he immediately stood from his seat and looked at his secretary with complete nervousness. "N-No, you have to ask him to leave. Do you understand me? Ask him to leave this building immediately!"

     "What? Sir, we can't. This might be related to the business partnership that your father mentioned the other day during the meeting. Remember? The big investor?" His secretary explains, instantly making Magnus's jaw drop.

     "Hendrix Group? The company my father made a business partnership with...was Hendrix Group?" Magnus asked in shock before sitting back down on his chair in defeat.

     "Yes, sir Magnus. Will I call him inside now?" He then asked.

     Magnus clenched his fist, and then he bit his lower lip and tried his best to stay calm. He doesn't know why Tanis is here anyway. Maybe he really was here for business, so all Magnus could do was stay calm and make sure he didn't say the wrong thing.

     "A-Alright...you may call him in," Magnus finally answered, and his secretary nodded his head and left the room.

     As soon as the door shut, Magnus's chest started to beat even faster. "S-Shit...shit! What do I do? Do I call..." Magnus was about to pick up his cell phone, but he immediately stopped himself, remembering the warning that was given to him, stating that someone among them was a genius hacker and using digital devices can be very dangerous.

      "It's okay. I just have to stay calm. They have no evidence. They don't know that I'm the spy that was sent to their school. They don't know anything yet," Magnus reassured himself as the door to his office finally opened.

     "Sir Magnus, Mr. Tanis is here," the secretary stated, opening the door wider to reveal Tanis Hendrix, the second son of the Hendrix Group and the kings' leader that J.S High introduced during the Elite School Convention.

     Magnus swallowed the lump in his throat before looking at Tanis with a fake smile. Tanis entered the office wearing a formal suit, but as soon as he entered, Magnus's smile disappeared when he saw another man standing behind him wearing casual clothes. He couldn't tell who he was because he was wearing a pair of dark shades and a black face mask, but even with his hidden identity, Magnus could tell that he was someone he should greatly fear.

     Magnus's secretary closed the door and waited inside the room, but Magnus immediately looked at him and said, "Secretary Wayne, can you wait outside? Actually, head downstairs and finish your work. I know Mr. Tanis personally, and I would like to speak with him privately."

     "Is that so? Then I will take my leave."

     The Secretary, whose name was actually Wayne, bowed to Magnus and his guests before finally leaving them inside the office. As soon as he was gone, Magnus cleared his throat and looked back at Tanis again before giving him a much more nervous smile this time.

     "Tanis Hendrix. It's a surprise to see you here. I'm assuming you're here to talk about the partnership with our company. Please, take a seat. I'd love to—" Before Magnus could even finish his sentence, the man standing beside Tanis suddenly started laughing, immediately making Magnus stop talking.

     "I'll guard the door," Tanis stated before walking out of the room, leaving the two of them alone inside.

     "Hey! What's going on?!" Magnus called out before looking back at the covered stranger in front of him. "Who are you? What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang