218 | Run

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AS KLIMENTO WAS BEING carried away by the medics, the other brotherhoods continued on with their battle. Busters was on the lead with three flags already placed on their base. Two more, and they'll be able to secure the first rank.

     "Where the fuck is Tanis?!" Master Joker angrily asks while he's pushing brotherhoods off the bridge. "I can't find a single weapon in this shithole. I don't think I'll be able to hold these bastards off any longer." 

     "I think he's on the other side of the grounds. He's with Hans and the others," Brave then answers, easily kicking a student in black who was approaching them with a knife.

     The students cheered for the two jesters who others didn't know were already struggling. Some were simply shocked to see how good they actually were with their offense and defense. I guess they just never realized how strong and how different Jokers' level really was compared to the lower brotherhoods because they're used to having Jokers in rank 6, which is supposed to be the lowest rank in J.S High.

     They forgot that Rank 6 is not a low rank at all.

     "Master Joker!" Someone suddenly called out as soon as Krist and Brave knocked out another student. The two of them then turned around and saw a member of Crazy 8 approaching them, holding a gun with no ammo left inside.

     "Master Joker, Siren sent me here to relay a message," the Crazy 8 stated, making both Krist and Brave look at him with shock on their faces.

     "Who the fuck are you?" Krist asks, but Brave shakes his head and points at the boy's shoulder instead. "That's not fucking important right now. Dude, you're arm's bleeding!"

     "I got shot when I was running here," he casually explains to Brave before looking back at Krist to answer his question this time. "And if you haven't realized it yet, I'm Executive No. 4, Alfred Hawks. I was with Felix earlier, but he's heading to where Tanis Hendrix is now to assist him."

     "Oh yeah, Hawks. Siren told me about the numbers found on your mask," Krist says, leaning close to see the tiny engraved number four on the side of Alfred's mask. "So, Felix is heading to Tanis now? Did you guys find what we were looking for?"

     "No, but Felix found the pattern to the bases. Siren asked you two to help out in case they get targeted. She also thinks it would take a while for the others to guess the pattern, so we have to utilize this before they do," Alfred explains, surprising the two jesters.

     "Pattern? You mean to say he knows where Busters' base will appear next? No fucking way," Krist asks in disbelief.

     "He does. That's why we need an extra hand," Alfred explains, and Krist and Brave look at each other before nodding their heads in agreement, running off to help Tanis and the others with no hint of hesitation.

     While the brotherhoods were heading to Tanis, Busters' leader, Viktor, was standing back to back with the leader of PHD, Kim Hee-joon. Dozens of students in black have been attacking the two powerful leaders since earlier, but all of them had nothing against the king and the prince. Despite having only one weapon at hand, Viktor and Joon were easily defeating them like they were just throwing out trash.

     "Ask your leader to train you better," Joon says with an expressionless face as he slashes a member of Secret Letter with his tiny Swiss army knife. Right after that, he kicks him off the bridge before handing the knife back to Viktor.

     Viktor had bruises all over, and the side of his mouth was even bleeding. It looks like a lot of brotherhoods decided to target him the moment the battle began.

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