258 | Impatient Prince

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"I JUST RECEIVED A MESSAGE from the security team. The media waiting outside have finally left. You should rest now and head back to the mansion, Grandmother. You're going to be busy starting tomorrow. We'll have a chance to talk about the company and the family some other time," Max says while holding Estelle's hand tightly.

     The party was finally over, and everyone was able to enjoy themselves. Of course, excluding the Sinclaire Family. But despite everything that happened, the anniversary party was a huge success.

     Max was able to have a couple of drinks with his friends before they left. They congratulated him for the achievements he made in the House of Bishops. They also mentioned the video of Max with his hands bleeding and warned him that if something similar happens again, they'll raid St. George Academy and burn it to the ground. Max thought they were only exaggerating, but he later realized soon after that they were being completely serious.

     As the party continued, President Janus and Janet went home early before any of them could even approach the twins. Vesper also mysteriously left without any trace, but he sent a message to Max, thanking him for the invitation and telling him that he'll see him tomorrow.

     Marcus eventually arrived and joined their table, and the rest of them just enjoyed the party like normal teenagers would if you simply ignore the photographers who kept taking pictures of them throughout the night.

     After all that commotion, the drinking, and the dancing, the Lemieux's 332nd anniversary finally came to an end. Everyone went home, glad to have been part of such an unforgettable moment, while Max and the rest of his family went straight to their private presidential suite, waiting for the media to leave before they could step out of the hotel.

     "How about you, dear? Won't you be coming home with us?" Estelle then asks Max.

     "I can't. I'll be coming back to school first thing in the morning. So I might see you after a couple of weeks," Max answers, making the sweet woman squeeze onto her grandson's hand.

     "You really look like your grandfather. I'm glad," she then says, and Max smiles and gives her a warm embrace.

     "Congratulations, grandma. And please, take care of the company while I'm away," he answers as Estelle pats his back in reply.

     As soon as they broke free from the hug, Estelle looked at Denzel and Marcus, who were actually standing behind them. Denzel approached and hugged her as well, and then she whispered something to his ear, making Denzel nod his head. Afterward, Estelle glances at Marcus and says, "Handsome boy. He also looks and acts like his grandfather. You should be proud, Denzel. You raised your boys right."

     "Thank you, Mother," Denzel says before bowing his head.

     Max looks at his butler, Étienne, and nods his head towards him this time. Étienne nods his head back before approaching Estelle and holding onto her hand. "Madam Estelle, let me escort you to the Lemieux mansion."

     "Alright, let's go." Estelle looks at her family for one last time before heading out with Étienne. As soon as she was gone, Marcus sighed heavily before sitting on the sofa. His legs had been shaking since the moment they entered the room where Estelle was.

     "She didn't say anything terrible about me, did she? I should have worked on my French," Marcus says, making Max chuckle before sitting beside him on the sofa.

     "She's actually starting to like you, so you should be fine," Max answers.

     "You two should get some rest now. Marcus, you can join me in the car so we can head back together. And Maximillian—" Before Denzel can finish his sentence, Max cuts him off and says, "I'm staying here for a while. There's someone who's been waiting for me all night. I don't want to anger him even more."

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