236 | Selfless Vice President

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"ST. GEORGE ACADEMY. LET everyone in this hell know that I, Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire, will remain as a serf until my last day in your school and find out why you are all treated like this. And even if you despise me, hit me, pour paint at me, or even kick me until I fall, I will help this god-forsaken house and make sure no one will bleed again. We will find a solution to your cruel system. That is my promise, and that is my undying resolve. I swear it, as a student of J.S High," A video of Max plays, making one of the men watching it chuckle.

     "This video has been circulating since this afternoon. I can't believe we're experiencing the same exciting drama that usually only happens in J.S High," President Justice Thorndyke of the Saints says to the man who's alone with him at the Saints' office.

     Vice President Leviathan Dubois, who was busy signing documents at his desk, turns to Justice to also watch the video on the screen of his computer. "Someone sent it to my email earlier as well," he tells him.

     "So you've watched it?" Justice asks before looking away from the video and stuffing his mouth with chips. "What's your opinion about it?"

     The vice president stares at Max on the screen and then looks at his bleeding hands before turning back to Justice. "How do I put this? The thing he did... It's very...J.S High. The students in the House of Kings have always been overly outspoken. He's not the first to do such a stunt."

     "As someone who actually studied in J.S High, I won't even argue with you. They're outspoken, but they also get things done. Their students are far more ambitious than ours," Justice says, and Levi adjusts his glasses before going back to his documents.

     Justice went back to watching the video a hundred times before putting a smile on his face. "I swear it, as a student of J.S High. That's what he said. I don't know Grey as much as you did, but I feel like he'd say the exact same thing if he saw the state of our school."

     As soon as Justice mentioned Grey, Levi stopped signing midway before removing his glasses and massaging his eyes to hide the sad expression on his face. Levi was Grey's vice president, and despite not openly admitting it, he greatly admired him. He saw how he transformed J.S High and how he helped both the white uniforms and the brotherhoods.

     He wanted to be just like him.

     But when Grey died and when Levi was about to become the school President, PHD gave him an invitation to their banquet. And because of that very invitation, Levi wasn't able to follow in Grey's footsteps. But he wasn't mad about it at all. That was the outcome, and he admitted defeat wholeheartedly and never blamed PHD for it. But if he did have any regrets, it would be the fact that he wasn't able to help the House of Bishops as Grey did to the House of Kings.

     "I failed you, Grey. I'm sorry," Levi suddenly mumbles to himself, instantly making Justice turn to him.

     "Did you say something?" Justice asks, but Levi shakes his head and puts his glasses back on before turning to the president with his usual blank expression.

     "I'm just tired," he replies, looking down at the documents in front of him again.

     Justice takes a deep breath and finally exits the video. The office becomes quiet as Justice looks at his vice president. He takes another deep breath and then asks, "Levi...you never opened it up, and I never questioned you about it, but why did you get transferred here? What did PHD make you do that you got expelled from J.S High?"

     Levi stops again and stares at the words on the document, not daring to look at Justice at all. The question had a simple answer, but for some reason, the vice president couldn't even open his mouth.

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