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"I CAME TO FETCH you, little brother," Marcus Thompson, also known as a significant member of Rank 2 brotherhood, the current Princes, Boys Next Door. Most of the students knew him as a charming member of the group, but after the incident with their father, Denzel Sinclaire, taking away Max's inheritance, he was finally introduced to the public as the first son of the chairman. Of course, Marcus practically dreaded that big reveal—especially since the media wouldn't stop raiding him—but apart from all that, the only thing Marcus liked about the situation was that he could now openly claim his blood relation with his cute younger brother.

     "Marcus!" Max shouted, running to his brother and turning into a little kid as he hugged him tightly, surprising everyone since they had never seen Max act like that before. "What's going on? What are you doing here? I missed you so much," Max says while Marcus hugs him back, also glad to see his brother again after a week.

     "I missed you too," Marcus answers before breaking free from the hug. He smiles at his brother, but when he looks down at his injuries, the smile instantly turns into anger. "If I could, I would burn this cathedral to the ground for what they have done to you," Marcus says while holding onto Max's wounded hand, which has now healed after the punishment he received a couple of days ago.

     The serfs who were standing around them couldn't help but gulp in terror because Marcus looked like he would actually do just that. Thankfully Max laughs it off and pretends that what his brother said was simply a baseless joke.

     "Hey, I'm fine," he says, pulling his hand away. "But...how did you know about my injuries?"

     Marcus was about to tell him about the video, but then a serf interrupted them by asking, "Is he going to be the other student for the exchange program?"

     Max remembered that too and looked at his brother, somehow hopeful that he was the chosen representative. It would be great if his brother stayed here with him for a month as it would benefit his emotional well-being more. But then again, Max knew that wasn't the case at all. That's why when Marcus shook his head to disagree with the claim, Max wasn't surprised.

     "As much as I want to, someone more powerful than me will be brought here tomorrow for the Exchange Program," Marcus suddenly revealed, instantly making everyone's jaw drop. Even Max and Keigo were surprised. He just said someone more powerful than them. Aside from PHD—who is already residing here—the only students who are more powerful than him are the Elites Vice President and President, as well as the kings, Busters.

     Is J.S High planning to send any of those students here?

     "No way," Xander says, suddenly feeling nervous.

     Everyone started talking amongst each other, scared of the other representative who would potentially be Max's partner during this whole escapade. But before anyone could start making absurd guesses, Max looks back at his brother and asks him, "If you're not the representative, then what are you doing here?"

     "Can't someone just visit his cute little brother?" Marcus jokingly asks while pinching Max's cheek. Max glares at him, so Marcus immediately pulls away and clears his throat before giving the real answer. "Have you forgotten about the company's anniversary party? I have already told President Ivory that I'll pull you out, only for tonight."

     "Oh, but I thought Étienne would be the one to fetch me."

     "He did, he's outside. But when I heard that he was heading here, I told him I'd come with him instead," Marcus answers with a proud smile, making Max sigh.

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