156 | Who to Trust

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"DANIEL ANDERSON WILSON...WAS a member of Paradox?!" Keigo asks in complete shock, staring at the logo in front of their screen before aggressively scratching his head in frustration. "Those princes, they really set me up here. Are they seriously trying to get me involved with such a dangerous brotherhood?"

     "Okay, we gotta relax first. We don't know if he's even the one we're looking for. Look..." Max heads back to the whiteboard and points at the first task. "It says here that he's a man in white who carries the weight of his brother's past. Though they are not the same, he cannot seem to run away from his eldest's fiery brown eyes. See, this could still be anyone."

     "Max, let's face it, even if you read that task a couple more times, every word points to this guy. And look, brown eyes!" Keigo insists, pointing at the picture on the screen, showing Daniel's eyes which were in fact brown.

     Max takes a deep breath and massages his temple. If this was really the man he's looking for, then it's going to be a huge problem. Max has already been involved with Paradox because of what happened with River, and now this? Is PHD trying to get him killed?

     "Alright, if this is him, then it's only the beginning. The task is to find out what his younger brother, Thomas Anderson Woods, is worried about. What weight is he carrying? The reason can't only be because Daniel's a member of Paradox. Daniel must have done something that's affecting Thomas till this day," Max says, walking back to the computer to check all the achievements Daniel was able to acquire while he was in J.S High.

     "The invitation said that your task is to solve injustices, so what on earth could this guy have done that even his brother is suffering from it?" Keigo asks, staring at the screen of his computer as well.

     "Here..." Max says, pointing at the screen so Keigo could see it too.

     "Alpha Society?"

     "He was a member of Alpha Society before he joined Paradox. Thomas Anderson Woods is the current leader of the same society. There has to be a connection here," Max says, running towards the whiteboard to write it down.

     "Okay, there's that, but this is still too broad. How on earth are you going to connect all this together when one, no one even knows that Thomas and Daniel are brothers, and two, how will you prove any injustice between them? Ask them?" Keigo sarcastically asks him, and Max takes a deep breath and massages his temple again.

     "This is like Omega Society all over again when Sky made us—" Max stops in an instant when he remembered something. He then rushes to the desk to grab the invitation to read it again. "That's it!" he shouts, making Keigo look back at him confusingly.


     "The letter said that I can't discuss the task with anyone else but you, right? Well, it doesn't technically say I can't ask anyone for help. I can still do that as long as I don't discuss the main task with them," Max says, surprising Keigo.

     "Did you just try to find a loophole for this?" Keigo asks, somehow impressed that Max was able to catch that on.

     "So what now? Who on earth are you going to ask for help?"

     Max touches the brooches on his collar and tells him, "Like what you said before, I'm protected by four brotherhoods. Well, these brotherhoods aren't just there to protect me now are they?"


"Are you sure about this?" Keigo asks before shoving bread in his mouth since he and Max had to rush to the cafeteria to grab something to eat first. After that, they secretly went to the brotherhood's building, at the Hall of Janus, where a certain brotherhood base could be found.

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