My little dream

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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise.

Today was such a gloomy day. It's already been a week with constant rain. For some reasons it would always remind me about my past and I hated thinking about it. It's been some years I've abandoned it and never wanted to hear from it again. However at times like this with this heavy rainfall... I couldn't quite help it.

I hope this rain will end soon... it really is gloomy just like back then...


Don't think about it!

I've saved enough to get this shop!

I've done all I could to escape it!

I was all alone in my little bookstore and although it was raining, there was still a lot to do. You know a bookstore didn't really manage itself. Although it was just a small space, it was filled to the ceiling up with books. I loved these books and some were even writen by myself. 

The situation of this bookstore was simple. There was this place which had such abad reputation that all the shops closed up. No one was really around this area but it was just purfect for me who just needed a place to escape. After all not many peoplew ould accept a young kid to give them a bag filled of money. Before anyone ask or assumes that it is stoled, no it is not. I've been part-timing for as long as I can remember. Most of the times it was not legal but I did get my money and it was worth it. This was my dream and it was just perfect!

The area didn't scare me since I was used to rough treatment... if anything, I was used to way more than this. In contrary to what I am used... this was nothing. 

My past really wasn't pretty and I didn't liked talking about it because it meant that I had to remember it... and releave the pain, the suffering, the helplesness and the anger... yeah it was not the best but everyone had a past so I didn't quite care as much about it. What is important was not the past but the now and the future.

Me: Such heavy rain.....

Looks like I won't be having any guests today eather...

Too bad...

I wonder what I should do...


It doesn't really matter since I don't need to pay rent. 

One thing was fure sure... I could say I was quite lucky. I didn't needed to pay rent since I just bought this place completly. No electricity and no running water. I couldn't afford that but I could always go with some candels if I needed them. Most of the times I just had some newspapers or something from the paperbin from outside and would burn it in the small fireplace. There was this corner I created that had some chairs and some nice tables so that people could come in and enjoy some books as well. 

Now as for the water... I really didn't had to worry about it since one of the pipes was actually broken and it was dripping from above. I didn't know who lived there but it was such a huge help to have that at the back of the store. Well some would say it is misfortune but for me it was enough and I was not one to ask for a lot. As for food... I knew just the right place which would throw out enough food for a month for me. It was all good food which the stores couldn't sell or were not allowed to sell. Again, I wasn't one to complain as long as I could live out my dream of owning this little store.

This rain...

One week...

And it still is raining....

I wonder if anyone forgot their umbrella...


That would make them need a place from this storm and maybe I have a chance of meeting a new person!

Maybe that little goodwill can bring me some income and who knows maybe a new customer as well.

I really hoped that this would happen and had a spare umbrella at the door as well as a cup of tea and som nice and warm cozy place to dry off and some towels prepared.

Life was strange and I knew that much...

They say I am quirkless but I do have a quirk... it just... no one can really explain it and I can't as well... not as if I knew what my quirk was. The thing is... my family used to send me to quirk doctors and they would all say I am a late bloomer but there is no chance that I was quirkless because I didn't had that double joint pinky... well I didn't see any signs of it and I am 16 already.

Ah whatever!

Not as if I could complain and it would make a difference!

I finally achived my dream and now I would make sure to live my life the best way I could do!

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