"Yes but I have never..."

"I said it was fine." Naona snapped.

"Naona, little bat, comer here please." Selina helped guide here and once Naona found my stomach, she curled herself around my hip and legs. I gently per her hair with a soft sigh. Kaona looked crushed and laid in her bed facing the wall. I felt Serena lay beside me gently  touching Naona. Del looked at me and then to Kaona and looked conflicted. A hand held up told Del what she needed to know. She crawled into bed on the other side of Serena facing away from us. I saw Menosara lay in her bed and cover up completely.

"May I lay beside you Naona?" Selina asked her soft. Naona just shrugged.  She looked at me and I smiled.

"Sit beside me, I will be up for a bit."

"What is wrong between them?" Selina whispered in my ear.

"Naona can probably hear you." I said with a chuckle. To prove my point Naona nodded.

"Have you been taken care of?" She asked as  as pressed her side against my own.

"I am not worried about me right now. I just wanted to make love to Serena, we found a compromise." I said with a smile. "Before you get ideas my bat, I am fine."her tails went back to being curled around her waist.

"You feel close to her, like you do Del and Serena."

"I understand her, I know how she feels." I said. I felt Naona's breathing even out and knew she had gone to sleep.

"Why did you forgo you own pleasure?" Selina asked sounding confused.

"Sometimes giving is a better reward." I said with a smile. She smirked and I lightly touched her leg. "How does it feel being mortal?"

"It is odd, I mean I am still immortal, but living a mortal life is...different." she said smiling at me.

"Well my mortal goblin, you need to rest." I said gently squeezing her hand. She looked at me for a long moment before sliding down and closing her eyes. I knew she was still awake, but I was after the illusion. I sat there looking over them all, Del my love and constant companion. Serena, a woman so patient she should be a saint. Naona, I suppose wrapped in a silent shadow. Kaona, the energetic changeling. And then my two newest, Menosara, the beautifully broken. And Selina, a goddess, and an enigma.

I felt both Naona and Serena move, I took that moment to get off the bed. I went to the closet and quietly looked through the clothes. I finally came up on a robe and quickly put it on. I got to the door and whispered, "house, darkness." I wanted a moment before opening the door and slipping out. I walked to Michael's room and knocked softly.

"I am awake Morganna." I cracked the door and saw the light was off. I skipped in and closed the door.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Gabriel told me when he left. The boss, well she is not happy with me so is ignoring me." He said with a chuckle.

I walked over to him and looked at his face, "I have work for you starting tomorrow."

"As you wish, I am your slave in all things." He said.

"You know what, forget I said anything." I said  heading for the door.

"Morganna, stop please." I did my hand on the door. "I was not trying to sound sarcastic, I meant what I said."

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked quietly.

"I let my lower parts do the thinking for me. That was a mistake I am now paying for." He replied.

"We started out so good..." I said with a sigh.

"And now, you found a better man." He said with a dry chuckle.

"I made a mistake too. I let him go." I whispered. I waved my hand and he gasped, "be ready in the morning, you are now a guard for house Mackinney." I said slipping out of his room. I travelled through the house silently. I went out the door to the atrium and was greeted by my birds. My familiars checked me over as always voicing their displeasure at me being hurt. I watched them fly, I was not in the mood to join them. My mind was confused and I would not have enjoyed it.

"Lass?" I heard Conner say from behind me.

"Sorry Uncle, I didn't mean to wake ye." I said.

"What is wrong Lass? Ye act as if ye have had her heart ripped out o yer chest." He said stepping up beside me.

"Aye, I may well have." I said, "or atleast a part o it." I said looking at my feet.

"Gah, he will be back, the boy ain't stupid." He said sticking his pipe between his teeth.

"What...what if I pushed to hard?" I asked. "What if I lost him from being a mule?"

"Then ye will just have ta call him and apologize. Ye ain't your mother nor ye father. Prove he head is not full o rocks." He said with a smirk.

"Will ye be coming tomorrow?"

"Aye, I told em that I wouldna go wit out ye." He said.

"Can ye call and do the registration for Menosara?" I asked my mind hopping from one thing to the next.

"Already in Lass." He said, "the attic?"

I sighed, I knew I was going to have to do something with it, with what was in it. I just...I just did not know if I had it in me.

"I have not found what I need." I replied. "You have seen my notes."

"Aye, ye have done the work. I canna think of anything else to try."

"Blood Tears?" I asked.

"...with what else?" He asked.

"Blood stone, soul stone, holy steel, angel feather, and something else..."

"Aye...wait do ye still have some o that green leather?"

"You mean the imp wing?" I asked chuckling.

"Is that imp wing? I thought it be different." He said with a laugh.

"Did you look at those crates?"

"No he never told me what it was for." He said with a smirk.

"Business mostly but a free pieces can be sacrificed. I will go get the Blood Tears, you start on the rest." I said with a smile.

I spun around, blew a kiss to my familiars and headed through the door. I had no soon gotten to the bottom of the stairwell, then I heard Menosara scream. I ran, I did not care what I broke or destroyed, I just had to get to her. As I got to the stairs to the attic, I could see her pushing hard on the door trying to keep it closed. Her eyes were wide in fear and I could see claw marks on her arm.

I pulled in air and shouted. "BAD CHILDREN! GO TO BED!" The door stopped trying to open and Menosara looked between the door and me. I smiled at her softly and held out my arms. She practically flew down the stairs and into my arms. There would be nothing I could do now but show them all. I just hoped they could handle what was behind the door...what I had been working on since I was a child. I heard my bedroom door open and I looked back to see Del. Her eyes went wide and I nodded. She rushed over and hugged her with me. Del knew what was up there, if we had not caught her disease in time...she would be up there too.

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