Raven Queen

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"which would you like done first? And would you like it disappearing or visible constant?" He asked.

"Disappearing please, and can you do the Bone Baby first? In A dark purple?" I asked shyly.

"Do I have some artistic freedom?" He asked with a smile.

"Please do." I said holding out my arm.

"Are you going to show here that?" Del asked with a knowing look.

"I have not decided yet." I said with a giggle.

"So what are your plans with her?" She asked smiling at me.

"I am not sure, I want to take is slow with her. I know we have been sending naughty things back and forth but..."

"What is very admirable of you, just because you feel the attraction, does not mean you should act in it." Alexander said with a smile. "Now what do you think?" I looked at the words and withing each letter was a little scene as it progressed two skeletons cam out of their graves and then began to have sex.

"Oh that is perfection." I said showing Del who cackled at the sight.

"Which one next?" He asked with a smile.

"The one you drew, if you will on the back of both hands." I said before making the Bone Baby disappear.

"Very good, I hope someday to do an original piece for you." He said working delicately on the back of my right hand.

"Did you not create this one from scratch? I asked with a smile. "And the scenes in the letters."

"Ha those are trifle things, I mean a true work of art." He said with a laugh.

"I was thinking about something but was not sure if you would be interested." I said with a smile.

"Oh do tell." He said holding his hand out for my left hand.

I have it to him and said, "I was thinking of a mural with the women of my family." I said looking at him.

"Did you want them as regular faces or their war faces?" He asked paying close attention to his work.

"Which ever you think would look best." I replied.

"Familiars as well? Also color or black and white?" He asked as he turned my arm and started on the next tattoo.

"Color would be lovely where it is needed otherwise black and white. And yes if you can make it work their familiars as well.

"Placement?" He asked not turning away from his work at all.

"Where would you think?" I asked having not thought of that yet.

"Back would be best, but as I hear you have an evolving tattoo there already. So likely from the center of your chest and down both arms depending on how far back you want to go."

"As far back as you are able to please."

He looked up then and smiled. "I will get to work on it right after you leave. We are done, sadly far to quick for my liking."

"If I may be so bold, why were you wanting to meet me so badly?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Do you really not know?" He asked seeming surprised.

"Not know what?" I asked confused as I made the other tattoos disappear.

"Oh dear child, your name is on ever lip in the community. Your beauty make mean weak and women swoon. You power as you walk among us give us a high like none of us have ever known. You heart is so vast and deep that we all hope to one day have a spot within it. In short my dear, you are a legend walking among us. I for one feel far more enriched just by knowing you for even such a short time." He said bowing low.

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