Chapter 19

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I don't really have a title so here's chapter 19 (are we really only on 19?!)


Wayne manor was dark.

Dick crept through the hallways, not wanting to wake anyone up. He wasn't really sure where he was going but he just knew he couldn't be in his room right now. 

That was where the nightmares were.

Hoping not to awaken any of his family, Dick took the staff stairs and ended up in a dusty corridor by the kitchens.

A glass of water, that's all he needed.

When he finally reached the kitchen, he saw a figure, he didn't say anything because the figure soon turned around to reveal the vacant corpse of Mary Grayson.

Dick saw that John Grayson had appeared to her left. 

Bianca Di Angelo

Zoe Nightshade

Silena Beauregard

Charles Beckendorf

Luke Castellan

Dick could go on forever, naming the owners of the vacant eyes that were fixed on him, but then he noticed the blood.

A trail across the floor, leading right to him. His hands were covered in it.

The Blood was on his hands.

As one, the corpses of people who meant so much to him lifted their right hand. Index finger pointed right at him, Dick got the message,



He heard their voices in his head, bursting his ears. Falling to his knees, he slammed his hands over his ears, wanting- no- needing to drown out the voices.

'No no no no no no no no no NO!'

He shouted in his head,

'Please! I cared about you!'



The voices began to repeat the last sentence,




Dick was in tears,

'Make it stop! Please!'

And all of a sudden, it did.

Silence ebbed and flowed through the kitchen.

Desperate to get that glass of water, Dick stood up on shaky legs, but as soon as he put a hand on the counter to steady himself, the floor disappeared from underneath him.

The lasting thing he remembered was falling.


and an all to familiar voice, which belonged to the primordial of the pit.

See You Soon, little demigod.


Ugh, dreams are hard. It's a short little chapter but I had to get it done, hope you enjoyed and didn't find this extremely cringy. 

Two updates in one day!

It won't last long, I can promise you that.

ANYWAY, thanks for all the comments and votes I've gotten, they're really good at motivating me to get off my butt and write another chapter (well not really, because I'm sitting on my butt while I write). 

Luv Ya, 


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