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The chapter doesn't mean anything I'm just listening to Lana Del Ray.

I read all my old chapters to catch myself up on where we are and I kind of hate them a lot? They're just really bad.

The last chapter I wrote was something I had been planning for ages and now my energy just kind of fizzled out, but here we are.


"Were you ever going to tell me that Percy is actually Dick Grayson?" Will asked once they finally made it to Camp Jupiter,

"Eventually." Nico said, heading towards the borders of New Rome. Will raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything until they reached the café they were meeting the others at.

"Hey." Nico said casually, slipping into the large booth,

"Hey Neeks!" Jason said cheerfully, Nico scowled at the nickname,

"Is Perce gonna be joining us?" Leo asked after taking a noisy slurp of his milkshake,

"We just got arrested by him so I don't know." Will said non-chalantly, most of the people at the table looked at Will in shock,

"Percy's a cop?" Piper asked in shock, "Seriously?" Will looked at Nico in surprise,

"They don't know?" He asked,

"Uh, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia, but that's it." Nico said,

"And Frank." Annabeth put in,

"Why the hades did Percy tell Frank and not us?" Leo asked incredulously,

"Stop cursing with my dad's name!" Nico yelled, but was mostly ignored,

"What's wrong with me knowing?" Frank defended,

"You're just-" Leo trailed off, realizing it was not polite to call someone irrelevant, 

"I'm just what?" Frank asked angrily, but Leo's reply was cut off by the door to the café opening, and Percy entering.


(Percy POV)

I entered the café in New Rome to see everyone staring at me. That's not unnerving at all.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I just got off work."

"Why didn't you tell us you were a cop?" Leo blurted abruptly, my eyes widened,

"Uh... don't know, I just didn't think about it." I said, 

Frank was looking at me funny, he kept squinting then looking at me normally. I figured he was testing out my awesome mist disguise.

Annabeth had iris-messaged me an hour after I left camp, shouting at me for slipping up, luckily she had managed to ensure that only Frank saw the card. She was still mad though.

I smiled at the group and Hazel moved up to make room for me in the booth,

"You good Perce? You look pretty tired." Piper asked,

"Yeah just.... Nightmares I guess, plus I've been up late working almost every night." Thalia snorted, probably realizing the late night work was not as Dick Grayson, but as Nightwing.

"Nightmares?" Annabeth asked, her voice was filled with worry, "When you left camp you said you weren't getting them."

"I wasn't then, I am now." I conceded, "It's nothing bad, don't worry about it." 

Annabeth narrowed her eyes but nodded anyway,

A waitress came over to take our orders, once she was gone, I tuned into the conversation to hear Leo say,

"But somehow I need to get myself into the competition to help her!"

"What's happening?" I asked, Annabeth snorted at the way I completely tuned out,

"Leo want to help a demigod girl he met, but the only way he can get to her is through some gymnastics competition." Annabeth explained, My eyes lit up,

"Gymnastics?" I asked excitedly,

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" Leo said, I grin,

"Y'know Leo, I think I just might be able to get you in there."


FINALLY, I've been working on that chapter for ages.

I really hate it but at least it's done.

To be honest, the Gymnastics thing was not what I was planning but I quite like the idea honestly.

ANYWAY, you all know that I love comments and votes, so maybe leave one??

Luv Ya,


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