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Despite my earlier announcement, I did end up writing another part. 

I'm meant to be doing Geography revision but who cares?


"Hey B," my voice was a little hoarse but I was in battle 5 hours ago, so who can blame me?

"Are you really here?" He asked, and when I looked a little closer, I saw that the Dark Night of Gotham was crying.

"Yeah... B, I'm so sorry, I-" my rambling was cut off by his arms wrapping around me. I missed this.

"Come on Chum, you can explain everything later." he said, leading me into the house.

Bruce kept an arm around my shoulder as he lead me through the Manor, it was exactly as I remembered, just about.

It seemed to be missing quite a few ornaments that used to be present, but they were too smashable to be safe in the Wayne household anyway. I also saw that there were a fair few knife marks added to the décor, most of them were about one and  a half inches wide, which meant they were most likely from one of Damien's knifes, probably the one I got him for his birthday.


When we finally arrived at our destination, I saw it was the games room. Grinning, I swung open the door to reveal...

Chaos. Utter Chaos.

"This is where the boys have been fighting the most since you've been gone." Bruce said, pinching his nose. I grinned at him and sat down on the couch closest to the door,

"What's this argument about?" I asked Bruce,

"I believe, Damien called Jason a Zombie bitch and Jason said that nobody liked Damien except you. Tim then reminded everyone that you were presumed dead and now they're both trying to kill him." Bruce said, sounding absolutely done. Like when Chiron found out that Harley rerouted all the water pumps in the bathroom in order to make a water park.

I sighed. I had seem a glint in Damien's hand which meant that I would have to break up the fight soon lest one of my brothers looses a finger, or worse. I coughed loudly but nobody seemed to notice. Rolling my eyes, I stepped over Titus, who had been lounging on the floor, watching the show, apparently.

"Y'know, It's not really very polite to ignore your brother when you've obviously missed him so much." I said casually. Damien was the first up, he saw who it was and immediately gave me a huge hug. I grinned at that, he really had missed me! Jason was up next, I got a shout of,

"Dickhead!" before I was wrapped in his arms too. Finally Tim, who'd definitely been beat up the worst stood up, he gave me a huge grin before hugging me too.

Like most wholesome moments in the Wayne household, it only lasted for a couple of seconds before it was ruined. Damien kicked Jason  the shin and Tim got a katana (where did he get that?) to the back of the knees before Damien dragged me to the other side of the room, saying,

"You were not welcome, Todd, Drake." He then turned to me, "Don't do that again, Grayson. It was not enjoyable spending 8 months stuck with these Harlots." I didn't bother scolding Damien on his language because I had noticed just how heavy my brother's bags had gotten while I was gone. I also happened to notice the bruises and cuts they had all gotten so many more of. I was unsure if it was because of villains or each other but it didn't stop me from feeling horrible for leaving them for all this time. 

I snapped back into reality to notice Tim saying 

"Explain Everything." and Jason giving me a look that said 'And then tell me the real story after'. I sighed and said,

"Go get Alfie and Bruce, and I'll explain everything.


Bit of a short chapter but at least I updated.

Also, here's a fun fact:

Daddy Pig's real name is Perseus, also known as Percy, and Mummy Pig's real name is Rachel. (Peppa and George are Perachel children)


I was also wondering if any of you would be interested in a book I'm writing at the moment, I already have 3 parts in my drafts. Basically:

 A twelve year old Estelle Blofis-Jackson goes to live with her Uncle Bruce Wayne after a tragic accident kills her Mother and Father. What happens when her immortal half brother comes to visit?

Its Perpollo because God Percy doesn't really work with anyone else, and it has to be god Percy because I don't really want to write Percy as a 29 year old.

Yes? No? I'm going to continue writing it anyway so I feel like I may as well publish it but if it sounds rubbish to you then I might not bother. Please let me know!


ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed this chapter, hopefully I'll get another finished at some point soon. Please Vote and Comment! It's lonely here!

Luv Ya,


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