Visit: The Video

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(3rd Person)

Nico Di Angelo was severely confused.

The boy that Nico had a crush on, Percy Jackson, wasn't really Percy Jackson at all. Nico couldn't fathom why Percy would keep all this a secret. If only Nico had known that Percy had lost a sibling too. Gods, Nico felt awful about that.

That's not even mentioning Percy's two brothers, how the Hades did Tim find his last name with zero information? Why on earth did his cousin put up with the stuck up brat that called himself 'the blood son'? Nico was sure he would have killed both the boys, if this was his family.

The Ghost king had to admit that he liked his room. It was probably the size of a master suite at the Lotus Casino (though they didn't have anything other than master suites) and it was furnished with a King-sized bed and ornate wardrobe. The bay window overlooked the dreary city of Gotham.

Nico wasn't as adept a detective as Tim (Nico scowled at the thought of the boys unnatural detective skills) but he could tell that Percy at least put thought into the room. There was a black comforter on the bed and the curtains around the bedframe were delicate black silk. This was something Nico didn't mind.

Nico didn't particularly want to meet in Annabeth's room like he had been ordered to do by Thalia, but he supposed that they'd just send Grover to get him if he didn't come. Nico carefully closed the door to his room, hoping none of the full time occupants of the Manor would hear, and crept down the corridor to Annabeth's room. He managed to get all the way to the door before he realised that he could have just shadow-travelled.

Just for dramatic purposes (and so Thalia wouldn't mock him for forgetting his own abilities) he Shadow-travelled past the door and arrived on Annabeth's bed, which had a fluffy grey comforter.

"Hey." He said quietly, scaring the crap out of Grover. Said satyr bleated nervously as if he was about to speak before he was interrupted by Annabeth,

"Good, we're all here. Can we talk about what's been going on with Percy now?"

"Dick" Grover corrected nervously, though he quietened down after a harsh look from Annabeth,

"Sure, Dick. Why would he keep anything this huge from us though?" Thalia seemed exasperated when Nico asked that,

"Have none of you ever watched the news?" She asked, "I was a tree when it happened and I still heard about it. Don't ask, the Hunters told me about it." She added the last part on as an afterthought.

"When what happened?" Annabeth asked, Thalia just grabbed an ipad out of... somewhere? She opened YouTube and searched up,

Flying Graysons Final Performance

The Video....

How was it even still allowed on YouTube?

Percy watched his Parents die in front of him.

He was 8.

Everyone looked horrified. Grover had turned away before the video had even begun, like he had seen it before.

Dinner would not be a comfortable affair.

This was never meant to be a proper chapter, it's a little bonus to keep up my update streak while I'm busy.

Today was a really great day for me, the season of Shadow And Bone came out! Disappointed that Nikolai wasn't how I imagined him but it was still spectacular.

Thanks for all the support, if you want to show me that you're there, Vote, Comment or add this story to a reading list. Thanks so much!

Luv Ya,


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