[21] Research

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I'm Back!!!

My trip was ok, my twin and I raced to see who could complete the walk first (I won), but I had time to plan my next chapter and I'm glad I did because my original idea for this chapter was not really very good.



I didn't bother replying, I slammed my lips straight into Wally's.

By the time we finished, a couple of the team members had also entered the room. Tim was smiling, muttering something about 'otp', Impulse seemed to be bouncing up and down like a maniac while Artemis just hid her small smile and shook her head, walking over to me, she lifted me up by the arm,

and punched me in the face.

"Where did you go?" She demanded, "We thought you were dead you know!" Wally stood up and stepped in front of me,

"Artemis, you can't-" 

"I had an accident. One that involved the loss of almost every memory I have." I cut off Wally before he could continue, "Nobody I knew was around and people were trying to kill me, I had to improvise."

Artemis was quiet, Wally was quiet, Hades, the whole mountain was quiet.

That is, until M'gann came in.

"Nightwing!" she embraced me and I laughed at her enthusiasm,

"Hey M'gann, good to see you."

"Hey, Nightwing?" Artemis cut in, I looked to her, "Do you think you could help us with something?"


"Batman asked us to do research on this guy, apparently he might be a Meta-Terrorist or something." She explained sitting down at a computer in the briefing room and bringing up a file, "The only thing is, there's basically no information about him anywhere."

I looked at the file.

The Fates hate me, don't they?

"Perseus Jackson." I read out loud, Wally eyes widened too, how did he not know about this?

"Yeah, will you help us?" Tim asked. I sighed inwardly, I couldn't say no without it being suspicious, could I?

"Yeah ok. Sounds fun."


"You know that this project is going to end with 'Percy Jackson' being arrested, don't you?" Wally asked, after I'd agreed to help the team research myself, we'd gone into my room, here he was now scolding me,

"I couldn't really say no, could I? They'd ask why and I can't very well say 'Because I am Percy Jackson'!" I argued, I knew that Wally was right, and that this project was destined to end in failure, but there wasn't really anything I could do about that.

Wally sighed and flopped onto my bed, I joined him a second later,

"We'll just have to stall then." He said, I nodded, 

"It'll work out. It always does."

"You should tell Jason, we're going to need help on this one."

"Can't. Jason is pressuring me to tell the Fam about camp and I'm not really ready to do that just yet." Wally turned to me, 

"It will be ok, we're in this together, yeah?" 


It's short but it was meant to be the other half of my earlier chapter so it is only half of the chapter.

Hope this was ok, I just needed to get this done because we're getting to the part I'm really excited to write.

I'll try to update The Jackson Siblings soon too.

ANYWAY, everyone's being really generous with votes and comments and it's really boosting my confidence in this book, so keep it up!

Luv Ya,


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