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Whoa ok, another update, no wonder I'm failing all my classes...

I thought it would be a good idea to clarify because I forgot to add it last chapter, Dick had just moved to Bludhaven and become Nightwing when he went missing. 

When the 'Argo II' landed, I expected Annabeth, I expected some other campers, I didn't expect to see my Mustard-Bottle boyfriend (not wearing the Mustard-Bottle getup, unfortunately.) leaping off the ship, well, he tried, looks like Terminus didn't want a mortal in New Rome.

He didn't care, somehow he sped past Terminus (which wasn't really supposed to be possible but I'd like to believe that love does crazy things) and leaped off the flying ship. He stopped a little away from me so I ran straight into his arms, not caring about the weird looks I was getting from the entirety of Camp and the crew Annabeth had brought.

"Hey." I said, lacking the words to really express what I was feeling,

"Hey Wonder Boy." He whispered to me, I punched him without pulling away, "Jason, that's uh, not your brother, said you might not remember me." I chuckled dryly, of course there was another Jason. Besides, Wally was the only thing I did remember,

"Forget you? Never." I snarked,

"Bialya ring any bells?" He smirked and I punched him again, because I didn't forget him then either, then I reluctantly pulled away because Octavian was looking like he would make some problems if this continued,

"Wanna eat?"

(Hmm ok I can't really remember how this scene went but here's my 'improved' version)

I thought Wally would love the eating hall. I was right. He was on his 7th course and he showed no sign of slowing down. I knew better than to bother my boyfriend when he was eating so I turned to Annabeth,

"What'd I miss?" I asked casually, trying not to think about all the people that could've been hurt while I was missing. What happened to Jason could very easily happen to someone else.

"There was a lot of looking for you." Annabeth said shortly, "Why didn't you tell me that you were gay?"

"It wasn't any of your business." I said in reply, Annabeth made a 'hmph' sound and turned to talk with Piper. I turned to my boyfriend and nudged him, he looked up at me quizzically,

"What happened while I was gone?" I asked in a low voice,

"Uh well, the team spent a long time looking for you and most of them, uh,  thought you were dead, I assume this was something to do with mist because they were suddenly really sure that you were dead." He said quietly, I frowned but figured that it could all be undone,

"And my brothers?" I asked, that's when it was made apparent that Leo had been listening in because he said,

"You have brothers?" I sighed but replied anyway,

"Yeah, I have 3." I said, then turned back to Wally, "Are they ok?"

"Well I mean, apart from Tim having severe bags and the occasional Damien-induced stab wound, yeah, they're doing ok. Though the Manor's been a lot greyer since you've been gone." I chuckled and leaned into Wally, he was giving off a lot of heat and it felt amazing to finally have him back.


When 'Leo' attacked New Rome, we all had to run to the Argo II. Jason got hit by a brick (which Wally found hilarious. Maybe I laughed a little too...). That was where I had to part from my dear Wall-man. 

I promised I would return and kissed him just a little longer than I should have. He promised to explain what he could to the team and my family and we separated.

Both praying that this wouldn't be our last goodbye.

Ok I'm not so sure about this chapter but whatever.

My family dinner was... uh... yeah.

My dad used to date my best friends Dad. I didn't even know he was Bi.


ANYWAY, thanks for all the support I've gotten, It's definitely what keeps me updating.

If you want to show some support, comment! A vote would be awesome too but I love knowing what you guys think of my writing so please comment!

Is there anything you want to see in this book? Should I give Annabeth a ship (Preferably a DC character, I ship Pipabeth but this is not the book for it, maybe another fanfic) or should I make her a rat?

Luv Ya,


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