Visit- Part 1

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(Nobody's POV)

Annabeth, despite still being mad at Percy for not telling her that he wasn't really Percy, was excited to see Wayne Manor, it was said to be an architectural masterpiece. 

Thalia and herself were packing bags to spend a week with 'Dick Grayson'. They were asked to only refer to him as Dick, to not mention the supernatural world, and to try not to kill anybody. Obviously Thalia had a problem with the last rule.

Annabeth still had high hopes that she would convince Percy to date her, he hadn't exactly explained why he wanted to stay as just friends, after all. She had tried to collect as much information from Grover as possible. She didn't want to risk using technology but she just needed to know who Percy really was.

At noon, she and Thalia met with Nico and Grover at Thalia's pine tree. Peleus was sleeping soundly, curled around the trunk. It was a beautiful day in late summer, Annabeth had no idea why Percy had told them to bring raincoats.

Annabeth had used a Drachma to call the Grey Sisters, despite promising herself that she wouldn't ride their Taxi-from-Hades ever again. It seemed that a Taxi was the most realistic way for your friends to arrive at your house. 

The Taxi ride was not the most enjoyable of things, Grover threw up on Nico which started an argument and, like most arguments, it ended with Thalia and Nico trying to kill each other. Annabeth was willing to bet that no other family operated like that. If one did, she'd pay good money to see it. 

Arriving at the Manor was just as brilliant as she expected, the roses in the garden were well kept and vibrant. Grover was already rambling about every different flower he could see, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters, hydrangeas. Annabeth tuned him out pretty quickly, her attention was focused solely on how she could implement Wayne Manor's unique arch structure into her next build (I used to date an Annabeth, she literally talked about this exact thing)

Thalia and Nico somehow managed to look somewhat presentable, which, considering how rough they were when they were fighting in the taxi, was quite an achievement.

Before Annabeth had a chance to knock on the intimidating mahogany doors, they swung open to reveal a man in his late... life? It was unclear just how old he was, but he was dressed in a suit, his greying hair was slicked back and he had a rather impressive moustache.

"Ah, you must be Master Richards guests. He's been informed of your arrival now." Annabeth couldn't help but wonder how he had called 'Richard' considering he hadn't done anything that could possibly notify him, instead of questioning it, she just said,

"Uh Thank you, Mister..."

"Pennyworth, but you may call me Alfred. I am the Wayne family butler. May I inquire as to your names?"

"I'm Annabeth and this is Thalia, Nico and Grover." Alfred nodded along but there was a glint in his eye when he saw Grover,

"Ah, Master Grover, it is excellent to see you again. The roses have wilted in your absence." Annabeth was again confused. The roses were the most vibrant she had ever seen, how could they be wilted?

Annabeth was brought out of her confusion by the sound of someone gently dropping onto a carpet. She looked up to see Percy grinning at them, had he dropped down from the first-floor landing? Wayne Manor just got more and more confusing as time went on.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Wayne Manor, how was the ride?" Percy asked casually,

"Eventful" Annabeth said, for lack of a better word, "Do you really live here?" Percy chuckled and grabbed her arm, Annabeth couldn't help her blush.

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