18-Survivors PT.2

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***No one's POV***

The day had passed quickly when they arrived it was past midnight, Jacob had warned Stella about staying behind, trying to protect her, after all the only family he has is her and Merry.

Bartolomeo had already made a reservation at a Hotel near the torture center, which was not the safest choice. The streets are empty and lonely but if you look close enough you can see that the stains on buildings are blood stains, if you're close to the shadows between the streets and buildings you will hear the agonizing screams of suffering people.

***Stella's POV***

When we finally arrive, I slump on a creaky bed,

-"This trip seemed never to end." I whisper to the pillow on my face.

-"Tell me about it." Jacob sighs, carrying all our suitcases and placing them on the old wooden floor.

-Stella I need to talk to you." Jacob seemed stressed all the road, so I tried not to bother him. Guess something is on his mind, and that has me worried.

I did know we came here for Merry and Nolan, that Man's name turns out to be Bartolomeo... Now that I think about it we never adequately introduced ourselves...the more you know.

Jacob sits by the edge of the bed his face has gotten pale and a worry line creases between his brows. I quickly sit up and face him grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

-"Stella, I need you to stay here, and... if we don't come back by tomorrow night, you will speak with the counter lady and ask her to take you back home. Do you understand?" His voice gets menacing with that question.

-"What?! But where will you go? I can't just leave you here, in this horrible place on top of it all." I exclaim, demanding answers.

-"Do you understand?" He takes my wrists and squeezes them tightly. Although it hurts I don't budge it's like a small competition like always, who will break first?

-"No Jacob I don't understand, why are you leaving me...just like last time, but guess what happened last time?! You got the most painful punishment ever, you got those hideous scars on your back forever." His grip on my wrists had tightened throughout my words, his expression turned angry and irritated, an expression I sadly know too well. He tries to hide it and calm himself but I know when he's angry, his face turns red a vein on his left temple pops and his jaw starts to clench making it sharper.

-"That wasn't the most painful punishment in my life Stella. How do I make you understand?! I've gone through way worse, but what I haven't gone through is happiness... You make me happy and... I don't want to lose that, not again." His voice cracked too much at the end, something that doesn't often happen with Jacob, which makes all my internal alarms go off.

-"That's why I need to find Merry, two times... they snatched her two fucking times in front of my bloody nose. That's why I need you to stay here... safe." I feel my heart sink I don't what to leave him but, he's Jacob he is strong and brave... and has anger issues I'm sure he can do it... but he also has the biggest ego and pride, not a good combo... what if they catch him what if-

-"I need to go, I have to speak with Bart." He interrupts my train of thought. He hugs me tightly for a few moments as if he would never do it again.

-"I'll be ok, I'll be back here in no time. We know exactly where they are and besides we have the surprise element." He looks me in the eyes and for once I don't feel intimidated to look at him this up close.
I stand on my toes and kiss his lips, ending it with a lower lip bite, when he is about to return it I back away. His expression is a mix of lust and shock, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, his touch making my skin hot.

-"We will finish this when you're back. Promise?... You have to talk to Bart." I caress his cheek with my thumb.

-"Ok I... promise." He kisses my forehead.

***Jacob POV***

I go downstairs and find Bart waiting for me, my nerves strike me and my palms feel sweaty.

-"I think we both know why we are here kid." His hands rest on his thighs his beard is groomed to favor the shape of his face. His face is full of happy wrinkles. I don't know how he manages to get those, I guess he does smile most of the time, He used to smile and laugh with my dad, but those are old times.

-"I'm aware why we are here, I've told Stella about Natalia, if we take too long she is to tell her to take her back home." My stomach sinks thinking I have to leave Stella behind, I feel nervous but It's more the worry I feel for Merry than anything.

-"There isn't much we need to discuss... shall we get going?" He asked standing up.

I silently walk beside him, the cold breeze blows on my face making me feel chilly... I swear I'll save you Merry, and nothing will ever happen to you again. I make the oath to myself as we get closer and closer to our destination, anger filling me more and more. Bart is carrying two heavy bags full of weapons, I myself always carry a gun and a dagger in case it's needed.


We have been walking for about 1 hour,  it's already midnight. My patience is running out and I'm eager to blow some heads.

-"Bart you sure you know where we're heading? I've seen this specific tree, three times!"

-"Patience is a virtue Jacob, and for you're information I do know where we are going. Maybe you should make yourself useful and carry one of these bags." He frowns down at me and tosses one of them, a black bag a simple and normal black bag with many pockets which all contain nothing but some gum and bullet recharges, the largest pocket contains about 6 types of guns.

We approach the place, a warehouse to be honest, the place looks old and shabby and closer to the torture center so it makes sense they might be here, there is a thick fence surrounding the whole building. We climb one of the near walls and I grab one of the snipers at the sight of 3 men outside, I easily headshot 2 of them the third looks so lost... doesn't even know where the bullets came from. I chuckle a bit loudly as I shoot the last one on the forehead, and laugh a bit too loud when his limp body falls back.

We check the perimeter and confirm it's safe to lower the fence and enter, as we climb down the most agonizing scream escapes the building, I know that's a man's scream, not a woman's. We walk past the limp body that up close they look pale and white. I equip myself with a pistol and Bart with a shotgun. We enter.
Cold air greets my face with a heavy smell of iron I feel it clogging my nose, we lower some stairs and see a pile of bodies dead ones, left away to rot. I pinch my nose and keep moving.

Another agonizing scream is audible and we run to the place it's coming from. We barge in and find a large empty room with a pole in the middle and a panting body on the floor chained by its neck and hands, the chains are attached to the pole preventing him from escaping. We walk as we hear him grunting.

We stand 10 fr away when Bart starts to run. I jog as he kneels blood splashing and staining his knees. His back locks my view, I move to the side and see... Nolan... I look down at what's left of his body his two legs missing slashed off. I slip and catch myself, blood on the floor... blood everywhere. I see another pool of blood beside him which leads to an open door.

-"My boy, everything will be fine." Bartolomeo tries to make him respond as he desperately tries to stop the blood flow.

-"Dad? I'm fine... I just need to stop the blood." His voice shaking.

-" I'm almost done." Bartholomeo's tears drop and mix with his son's blood, at least Nol can't see what he looks like.

-" Nol we need you to tell us where Merry went." I ask him crouching beside him.

-"They took her, and.... I fought but they captured me and tortured me for not giving them your location.... I sent all those notes secretly and when they found out... they did this." Bartolomeo and I help him sit.

-"You need to go after her... now." He looks at me his gaze is unfocused his hair a bloody mess and his face is just blank.

-"I'll save her... I promise." I sprint out the door and follow the trail of blood. I can't let anybody down.

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