1- The Hunt is back!

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-"Mama, MAMA!!!"

-I just got back from the nearest pawnshop, look at this Beauty!

-"Oh darling, what is this? Junk

-"It is not junk! The shopkeeper gave it to me, he said tha-

-"I CAN'T let you have this it reminds me of him."

-"Mom, I'm sorry, I'll return it...

I saw tears wail up in my mom's eyes, I quickly hugged her so tight I thought I
heard her bone crack. I kissed her on her forehead and left speed walking.

I was making my way to the pawnshop when I heard a loud horn go off. I stopped
dead in my tracks. Oh, I knew exactly what this meant. I turned around and
observed just as a bunch of men were walking down the hill, th-they were injured,
some had some blood streaming down from what looked like, cuts, stabs,

I saw all the men from my village cheer as they run toward them, clapping
jumping, and even punching...

-"Tch, looks like the hunt is back, that is odd, they're supposed to be back next week.

Suddenly a bunch of men shoved me from behind as they run towards the stupid
hunt. I fell with a loud thud and slammed the side of my cheek on the ground, I looked up and they didn't even look back.

-"I hope you burn in hell!" I yelled as loud as I could, so they could hear me loud and clear.

-"Go fuck yourself witch."  They sinker while still running.

Suddenly I felt pain, my cheek hurts. I slowly got up and pat the dirt off my clothes.
I touch my cheek and no surprise, there is blood. I suddenly hear the commotion getting closer.
I quickly run to a dark hallway that was close. I saw them all pass by. They are talking about how amazing they were, and what would we do without them.

Once I saw them all pass, I poked my head out and looked around. I saw them all
cheering and talking, they weren't paying attention, now is my chance. Just as I
was about to step out of the hallway, a tall strong man caught my attention. He
was falling behind from the crowd, he was holding the side of his ribcage, and he had
dried blood all over his clothes.

He then stopped and started breathing heavily, he then slumped to his knee placing his free arm on the floor, I heard him groan in pain.

I..I, I don't care.
It's almost sundown, I need to get back, or Mama will be worried.

I started walking towards the pawnshop and passed the struggling men, not long
after I heard a loud slump behind me. But I just ignored him and continued.


I quickly nocked and entered, but just as expected he wasn't there. I grabbed a pen
and paper, and quickly wrote a note.

Hey Josh, Mama said she couldn't let me have this. Sorry. :)
Love you, Stella Lusullten.

There all done. Suddenly the pain on my cheek caught my attention once again, time to go to the pharmacy to get some cotton and alcohol, to disinfect this wound.

As I walked to the pharmacy that luckily was in front of the pawnshop.

-"How convenient..." I said underneath my berth.

As I walked there I noticed a trail of blood drops that lead directly to the even more
struggling man, laying in front of the pharmacy door with his eyes closed and clutching his side, he was in my way and didn't let me enter. I stood right in front of him, glaring at him.

-"What do you want." He said with a husky deep voice.

-"I want you to move, NOW I'm in a hurry."

-"Shure after you say the magic word." He said smirking at me.

-"W-what... magic word?
-"Please?" I said puzzled, how Can a man so weak have energy to play games.

-"Yeah, that wasn't hard was it." He said with a breathy annoying sharp tone.

He then stood up and then I saw blood, not the dry one from his loose clothes but the fresh one that stained his side, his hands, and... his face.

I hadn't looked at his face, he has the sharpest jaw I've seen in this whole village, beautiful blue-grayish eyes, thick eyebrows beautiful thick luscious dark brown curls, and a perfect stubble beard. Then a sly smile spread across his beautiful lips, and I became self-conscious that I was totally staring, and looked away.

He slowly got up, and his muscular shape covered in blood towered above me, he then bent over so his face was at level with mine.

-"What's a beautiful young lass like yourself doing out here at sundown?"

-"You know, something bad could happen right?." He whispers to my ear.

His berth reeked of alcohol; he was probably drunk.

-"Y-you are drunk sir."  I said reluctantly.

-"I'm sure not, just because a man drinks bear doesn't make him drunk." He chuckled.

-"Well, as someone who hasn't tried any alcohol drinks I wouldn't know." I said avoiding his gaze.

His eyes narrowed at the piece of information, and examined me, from head to toe, was he....ch-checking me out!? He looked at my face, his eyes shifting between mine, then suddenly his eyes snapped to my cheek.

-"What happened here?" He placed a warm big caused hand on my cheek, I slowly
grabbed and moved it.

-"I... It's not important. That's why I'm here actually.

-"Oh, sorry for taking your time lass, it was a pleasure meeting you....miss?

-"The name's Stella, Stella Lusulltn." I said confidently.

-"Pleasure meeting you Stella."He said as he brought my hand close to his warm lips and kissed it.

Odd RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora