3- What now...

26 3 5

-"Ok.. so I didn't have money, it's 6 PM, this store didn't want to give me free clothes... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!!!!"

What am I supposed to do now run around with a large tunic wearing nothing underneath after being dumped by my Mama.

I guess I kinda deserved it, but that woman seriously got on my nerves. How could she talk about Papa that way?

I realize I had no money and no job I kind of used to take dance classes maybe I can give those?? What use would that be 90% of the women here don't do anything but cook and clean clothes.

I'm the youngest Girl in this village and the black sheep. Everyone always told me I was different....like Papa, but being different meant insults, I am tired of being treated this way.
Just because I am young doesn't mean that people can take advantage of me.

Maybe what I need is to go to a more civilized area ...... HAHAHA oh my Gosh yeah like that would make things better!
I laughed out loud.

Soon enough I started crying.
I sat underneath a tree that was close by

-"I need to pull myself together, but I have no one, no one who would help me, no one who loved me, no one to take care of me."

I felt the urge to start punching this tree, ugh why was it big and strong, it had probably been here for years....survived.

I started to punch the damn tree. Until I missed and fell forward. I hit my chin and it started bleeding, I just laid there and didn't move until I felt the pain in my knuckles. I turned around just to see my skin had peeled off and had some blood. Just a little peek and the pain flooded in.

-"UGH! I just want to disappear." I covered my face with my hands.

I said while sitting up and wiping the blood on my tunic.
It's almost nighttime. I haven't eaten a single thing and I'm sleepy. I probably look like a homeless woman..... which in reality I am, I guess...

Maybe...I should just walk it off let's go to the Seaside!

I saw I walked and felt the soft grass underneath my feet which were still bleeding because of the glass from before.
I sat down as the waves barely touched my feet. My stomach hurt. My feet hurt. My head hurt my chin hurt. My knuckles hurt my back hurt. my legs hurt. Everything hurts.

I suddenly start to see black, and I lost focus on my vision...I think I'm gonna pass out.


The next thing I knew someone was shaking me awake, it was a girl, she had the Beautifullest hair I'd ever seen, and she was wearing a gorgeous loose dress, a tight corset, and a knitted bag dangling on her right shoulder. And the fabulous floppy hat, a back one.

-"Oh my, are you ok?!" She said, with the sweetest most calming voice.

-"A-are you an angel?" I answered weakly.

She Giggled
-"I think you need help have you eaten you look pale and skinny, It is quite late, and you're going to catch a cold wearing this, come on can I offer my hospitality?" She said softly with a smile.

This was my thought process. I'm dying I haven't tasted food in more than, 9 hours I was freezing I was covered in blood and I didn't have a place to stay...and I was dying. So what if she could kill me? I am already dying... DYING!

-"Um... I could use your help, thank you."

The girl smiled and helped me up. She then walks me to a cozy welcoming house. As soon as I enter, the smell of tasty soup floated to my nose.

Odd RoseWhere stories live. Discover now