2- All Men are the Same

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It's late, I hear my Mama yelling at me to wake up. I slowly rise and rub my eyes with the tip of my fingers.

- "What's wrong!" I yell with annoyance.

  I hear her stomping from downstairs to my room (the attic).

- "You young lady... You're so IRRESPONSIBLE!, you didn't bring any food yesterday, I'm starving! You need to go pick food right NOW! What were you doing yesterday, hmm, I hope you weren't with all those fools, ugh my head hurts just thinking about it.

- "OK, sorry mama! It's not my fault, do you see this, do you see my cheek! I got hurt and you don't even care, you didn't even mention getting food how was I supposed to know!!!

Ugh, sometimes I just can't with her.

- "And if you are so hungry why didn't you get it yourself !" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I can't be here right now, I can't take being here with my mom. I feel angry, I need to get out of here.

It's always fighting and crying, and making me feel less, she never in my 19 years of age has she said I look beautiful, or that she loved me!

- " Fine, I'll get my food but you ungrateful brat will no longer live under my roof!"

- "You're just like your father, and look where that got him,  buried, in his sorrows and mistakes!"  She glares at me with such hatred towards her own daughter, she truly has no heart.

- "Papa?, oh... you don't get to speak of him that way, you don't even get pronounce his name! Papa was the best man I have ever met! You... The complete opposite!
I'm truly just staying here to make you company but it looks like you don't need or want it, and neither do I."

I quickly took my bag and started grabbing clothes, she then tightly snatched my wrist and looked at me directly,

- "None of this belongs to you all this came from my money, you don't get to take ANYTHING! Not even your clothes!" She yells.

I feel a sharp pain, I notice I'm looking sideways, this woman just slapped me. I feel the same injured cheek start to bleed again.

I just can't believe it!.... she would seriously do this to her own daughter. Was she really going to send me naked to the streets? I stood there with my mouth wide open.

Next thing I knew I was standing in my backyard, without any peace of fabric covering my slim body, not even underclothes.

Luckily I saw that the neighbor's laundry was air drying, if I can get closer and snatch anything I could get my hands on.
I snatched a big white tunic, the thing is so big, must belong to a Man.

- "Ugh, gross I didn't want to wear this!"
I whispered to myself.

Just then I heard someone walking by and I quickly shoved my body inside the tunic. It was really big but it was better than nothing.

I crouched down and made my way to the street.

- "I need support where can I get something." I whined.

I didn't really want people to see me like this so I walked behind the houses and went through hallways to avoid people. I was walking at a slow pace, when I started to smell smoke, cigarette smoke to be precise. I saw a gang of 5 men smoking right where the end of the hallway.

Curse you, you filthy men! How was I supposed to get out of there, luckily they haven't spotted me, I turned around to find the nearest exit.

Just as I was taking my first step something cracked beneath me, pain swarmed my bare feet, I look down to see little pieces of glass underneath my foot.

-"Why must I have such bad luck!"

Of course, the bunch of fools behind me had already heard and seen me.

I'll make a run for it! I started sprinting with all my force, they started yelling at me!

-"Where are you going witch, don't you want to please you saviors, The ones who bring food to this poor village!"

I rolled my eyes. Before I knew it one snatched me by my waist it pulled me close to his broad shoulders, in a position where my back was touching his chest, I was facing the other 4 men, he was strong, too strong. I couldn't move 1 inch away from him!

-"This... THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR WALKING IN DARK HALLWAYS!!" I tried to yell, he was too tall, I barely reached his collarbone. So knocking him out with a headbutt was not possible

-"We aren't done with you yet"  he leans in as he whispers to my ear, making me shiver, making me doubt my earlier decisions.

-"I will not allow this." I gritted my teeth. As I struggle to elbow him in the gut.

One of the men In front of me, a black bastard grabbed my jaw and clutched it a bit too hard, he leaned forward so close I could smell his stinky breath.

-"Shut up witch." The man behind whispers to my ear as his hand traces the side of my arm.

-"Assaulting a woman is a crime!" I said with a slightly desperate tone.

-"Does it look like we care." The guy in front chuckled

-" This is taking too long, I need my dose of pretty young women!" I heard somewhere behind the asshole.

I just saw the black man was pushed aside and a slim tall guy appeared, he snatched my ankle and pulled it up, so high up about 89 degrees up. It didn't hurt I took fighting classes since I was 3. But what hurt was the humiliation, they couldn't see anything, the tunic was thankfully big enough, any little breeze or movement would totally reveal everything though. I couldn't move!!

He was about to Crouch down to do who knows what, I closed my eyes I didn't want to see. I felt a tear fall across my injured cheek.

Next thing I knew I saw a guy punching and wrestling the " honorable Hunt". I don't know what people see in them. Yeah, they bring food but I could get that myself, probably.

The guy holding me didn't budge one bit, I looked up, directly at his muscular face.

-"Look I'll do whatever you want just stop this."

-"You will let me touch you however I want?!" He said expectedly.

All the noise in the background stopped they all stared at me, including the guy who was fighting for my honor. He... He was the g-guy from yesterday, he was here? Why was he doing this? Ugh!

He had blood streaming from his cheek a dagger was pointed at his throat, I felt bad for him, but I don't care I need to get out of this NOW!

-"Y-yes, just stop this now and tell your friends to leave me alone." I said while making eye contact with the man who I met yesterday, the one who kissed my hand, and called me miss and lass with such a sweet caring intention. He didn't call me a witch, or offended me every chance he got.

He looked at me with despise and disgrace. After all, he was risking his life just... for what exactly?

-"Leave, all of you before I cut your heads." The guy holding me said impatiently.

-"I am the leader, and you do not treat young ladies like her like this, even if they offer themselves to you, you must be a gentleman." He said looking directly at me.

This asshole, he thinks I'm offering myself?!, AS IF. I'm doing this to survive.

The guy behind me released me. I stood there looking at the bastard that made me look like a ... I'm going to kick his Arse.

I walked towards his wide shoulders, his tall and muscular body, I stood on my tippy toes, slapped him as hard as I could, then quickly slapped the other bloody bastard.

-"ALL MEN ARE THE SAME!!!"I yelled as I walked toward the end of the hallway. To get to the store and buy some clothes.

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