9- Little Monster

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I feel an impact. I feel the weight on my back, and a warm liquid trickles down my back. I feel my heartbeat rush...all I can hear is the continuous ring in my ears.

I see something fall to my right. The man's head lies on the ground. I suddenly snap to reality, I hear someone screaming in agony on my right...the man's body slumped on my back I can't move...

-"Jacob, what did you do?" I say as I turn back and see a headless body slump to my left.

-"Get up." A tight and sharp voice comes from where Jacob is standing.

I hear a low chuckle... but no humor stands behind it.

-"Stop laughing!" I hitch as I try to stop my tears.

-"Is this a game to you?" He says with a sadistic grin.

-"W-what" I choke out. What game I- I don't understand.

I look to my right and see Nolan on the ground grunting and clutching his left rib.
Nolan... I feel a weight in my heart.

-"You can't really blame me, can you? You can only blame yourself."
He frowns and his knuckles turn white as he tightens his grip on that bloodstained sword.

My arms that used to support my torso give out and I fall forwards, catching myself with my forearm.

-"Why didn't you stay in my room." He roars at me.

I don't know... why did I go after him?
As always... I'm a hindrance, a dead weight.

I want to disappear right now... would it be too much to stay in a room for weeks, and never come out.

I feel Jacob pull me up by my blouse, then he abruptly grabs my arm, gripping my bicep too tight. He dragged me to his room, I couldn't keep up with his steps, I was just tripping everywhere and he just dragged me even though I'm on my previously scraped knees he continues to drag me.
A frown on his face.

By the time we arrive at his quarters, the blood on my knees is trickling down my ankles.
He stained my biceps with dry blood.
He shoves me inside his room making me land on the floor.
I feel like I have no energy... I struggle to sit, while he strides to the door and shuts the door of his bathroom.

 I struggle to sit, while he strides to the door and shuts the door of his bathroom

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A few hours pass and I find myself on an armchair near a chimney in his room... I tried the room's entrance door but it was locked... I need to get out of here each time y glance at my knees I feel even more pain.

I feel like my eyes might betray me and I might start crying... but I can't, not here, not in front of him again.

I start to search all his drawers, any clip or sharp object so I can pick the door's lock. When I see it my savior... I see a bobby pin.
I run to the door and start to jab the doorknob, It won't budge but it's the only chance I have of escaping this room.

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