7- Me Tired... Never!

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*Jacob Pov*

It's been about a week since Stella arrived here.
I haven't had the time to see her, I've been ordering Nolan to inform Stella of her duties. I hate to admit but I do miss her very much. Last time I recall I wanted to have her right then and there, however, I know I can't allow myself to do that, not in my position. I need to maintain distance as I've done so far.
Although I so wish to kiss those chapped plump lips of hers, the ones she uses to smile at Merry or Nolan...but not me, It should be ME she smiles for, not Merry not anyone else!

I hear the doorknob to my office wiggle and I know it's Nolan. I quickly close the journal where I was previously scribbling my thoughts.

-"How many times do I have to tell you to knock before you enter." I glare at him as he is halfway in.

-"Try again." I say placing my journal in a drawer on the right of my polished wooden desk.

*Knock knock*

-"Come in." I say smiling.
-"That wasn't hard was it?" I ask sarcastically.

-"S-Sorry Sir."
As he enters he informed them there will be a ball hosted by the Riordans, where they will show off their new installations.
-"It aligns perfectly with their last message, I suggest we go, it's an 85% chance we will meet them."

-"Perfect, when is it going to be hosted?" I ask no hesitation already making a plan in my head.

-"Two days time... There is just a slight inconvenience."

-"What is it." I say not worrying.

-"We aren't invited, and it's a plus 1 situation. So I imagine it more of a business than the meet-a-pretty-girl-to-marry ball.

-"I see no problem, we both can go and we can easily infiltrate."

-"Oh, I thought you know... you would want to take Miss. Lusulltn, it's been quite a long time since you saw her, and I as well haven't seen her since last time you told me to give her the manuals for the library, which was probably on Wednesday. She is likely stuck there all day."
I do find some truth in that and why not see her, I can do whatever I want whenever I please.

-"I think I'll pay her a visit this afternoon."


I've been working some more, designing a new house, when I notice it's noon, so fast I guess I must get going. I change to more formal clothes as if it were a meeting. Black dress pants, brown-reddish leather boots, with a wine-colored tunic tucked underneath my pants, and finally to top it all off my long coat to my knees. I grab my sword and head downstairs to the hall where my own and Merry's rooms are.

However, I don't find her, not in the kitchen nor the house gardens... Nolan did mention she could be in the library...

Once I arrive I hear her whispering I stand between shelves and shelves of books to prevent her from noticing me, there she is on a tiny low table, kneeling and scribbling something from another book she has on her left, I hear her gasp, and abruptly get up, bumping her knee on the table.

-"OWW! damit" I hear her whisper the last word.

She walks clumsily to a shelf to pick another book to add to the piles and piles she has around her tiny table, it looks like a bird's nest.

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