17-Survivors PT.1

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***Jacob's POV***

It's been 2 days since my loss of control, and things have been turning my way. I found out Merry was safe this whole time somewhere out there with Nolan, she sent a letter with no address, "Nolan is a decent man." Said Stella in her annoying high voice. I can't help but listen to what she said, which brings me peace, we are planning on reaching them soon.

Stela grew curious about my training after I told her I used to train blindfolded, and that leads us to the present, I have been training her since I can't move jerkily (thank my back for that). I'm responsible for some bruises she has but mostly it's her hitting herself clumsily on the oddest places ever to exist, I have treated her bruises with herbs Merry used to have, Oh yeah, we are back at home, same office same living room, and old same empty cold lonely halls, full of rooms... full of... memories. Anyway, I have been planning to propose to Stella, she has made me the happiest I have ever been since my parent's death, I hope I can make her happy, and most of all I hope I'm enough, I have hired a Jeweler to start making the ring.

I close my journal and place it in the same drawer it always has been, just as I hear running stomps from Stella, a huge contrast to her dainty appearance.

-"Jacob!" Her voice sounds hoarse as she barges in.

-"I can't take this anymore, I can't do it, the only thing I got was seven bruises... SEVEN, and about 3 cuts." She closes the door behind her while carrying three books and a set of messy papers.
Seven bruises aren't even that much I think.

-"I'm hungry too." She whines on a lower pitch as she sets all her books on my desk.

-"That's not my problem, and you should move this, it makes my desk look dirty."
The fact that she barges in here sets all her dirty stuff on my desk and only complains about it irritates me.

-"Oh sorry mister organizer freak, forgot you can't see a spec of dust." She wipes the sweat off her forehead.

-"Excuse me?" I try to stay calm, as she clearly is doing this to make me angry.

-"Nothing. Looks like your deaf too." She grabs her books and starts walking to a couch.
You see, I've known Stella enough to know that when she overworks, hasn't eaten, or hasn't had sleep (which happens way too often) she gets grumpy, and starts arguing with anything that crosses her path.

-"Look at you, you're just begging for someone to put you in your place." I can't help but smile as I stand from my desk and push the chair back in its place.

-"And you think you can handle that? You're cute. I could have you on your knees in a heartbeat. You know, it would suit you."
She turns around crossing her arms underneath her chest making it pop out.

-"You think about that image a lot?" I fix the coughs of my button shirt.

-"What - no - god - don't flatter yourself. You brought it up." Her red face gives away her embarrassment.

-"Did I?" I shove my hands in my pant pockets as I walk toward her.

-"Shut your mouth, I do not think of such images." Her voice becomes shy and she lowers her head as I come closer.
I can't help but laugh. I hug her and rest my chin on her head.

-"You're too easy." I start to play with her hair. I ask her where she got those seven bruises. Surprisingly, they were all on her hip, each and every one of them on the same spot making it one big bruise.

-"I left you less than five minutes and you got this, I clearly showed you the steps how can you mess up? And don't get me started on the knife throwing, that's just throwing a knife. How can you cut yourself?" I pull away to look at what she would say.

-"I don't know, as I practiced more I guess I started to roll differently." She can't look at me something that always frustrates me a bit.

-"Why won't you look at me." I try to lift her face, but she swipes my hand slowly, a small frown starts to form between her brows.

-"Do I have to crouch down to make you look at me? Since you seem to care more about the fucking floor than me!"
A few minutes of silence pass.
I sigh and crouch on one knee to look at her face.

-"Come on." I easily lift her, and once I do I find a wide smile on her lips as she clings to my neck for support.
Was this all part of her plan?!

-"I need to take a bath first." She leans and kisses my cheek, making my stomach flop, making me want to squeeze her to death.

***Stella's POV***

The dark red forming on his cheeks makes me giggle. Love how the smallest actions make him blush, and a simple touch can easily turn him on.

We arrive at his room since that's where the largest bathroom is.

-"Alright, don't wait for me I'll take my time ." I laugh. I shut the door behind me and grab a night robe, a pink one that reaches my knees and has an exposed low back.
I finish and apply the ointment Jacob gave me before I left the bathroom, and bandages on my cuts.
Once I find him passed out on his desk, I hurriedly wake him up gently.

-"Hey, you can't sleep here come on I'll help you to your bed."
A muffled sigh and a screech of a chair is audible as he lazily stands. I grab his hand and pull him to his bed, he flops on the middle, face up and covers his face with his forearm.

-"Good night little monster." I chuckle as I turn around to leave when I feel a hand grasp my elbow, I turn and see him sitting down wiping one of his eyes like a child.

-"Why are you leaving?" He complains his voice is hoarse from dryness.

-"I want to sleep."

-"Yeah but why are you leaving?"

-"Well, because I sleep in Merry's room."
He sighs loudly and pulls on my arm so I sit down on the edge of his bed.

He leans and rests his head on my shoulder.

-"Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one ever apologized for making me this way." He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

-"I trust you... and I'm here for you." I start rubbing his back trying to reassure him.

-"Never trust a survivor until you find out what they did to survive." That's what my father used to warn me.

-"Can you stay the night?" He asks burying his face further on my neck.
Without a word, I get in bed with him and he instantly spoons me. I soon drift to sleep.

***Bartolomeo's POV***

"I'm not letting you find them until he pays for what he did. Time sure runs out when you are playing, doesn't it? If you're not in time she is a goner."

I read the last words of a letter sent by an unknown address. Each time I find where it is and investigate they leave a new letter with the same last words.

-"I've grown tired." I flop on my living room couch gulping a tar of beer.

-" Whoever has Nol and Merry knows what Jacob did, and is holding a grudge against him, I wish I could tell him, but I have no proof it is the suspect I think of. It's now known that Merry knows medical treatment and has saved many people, but as with everything it has its dark side... People started to think Merry was a which som sort of sorceress, and what they call the devil's magic... Bunch of bullshit."
Both Stella and Jacob will travel with me to investigate as I know where they will be staying next.

*** No one's POV***

And so two days after the three of them proceed to follow Bartolomeo's plan, which basically consists of just saving Nol and Merry. This of course will put them at risk specially Jacob since it is him whom they want to make pay.
Bartolomeo predicts their next stay is near a torture center, if they threatened Merry as a goner, they must be staying close to a place where they can easily get rid of her.

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