Chapter 8: Reinforcement

Start from the beginning

"Hm, that new recruit name is uh, Paula. i believe"

"Interesting, your ways of training is no different from us after all" Kazotsky added up.

"Do Soviet union have a harsh training too?" Myrus asked.

"Yes, We all do. It to train the soldier physical and mental capacity. If they can't do the basic training, they'll have hell going on their life" Kazotsky answer.

As they walk in army's base, a shouted from the speaker announced.

"A weapon demonstration is about to start in 1 minutes!"

"Oh look, weapon demonstration is about to start. Let find a seat shall we?".

"The demonstration shall start now" The new recruit ready their weapons.

"As you can see, they are holding MS.11 Welton, a standard issue rifle of our armies. Begin shooting now."

The recruit fire their weapon at mocked up dummy.

"An automatic rifle, i see"

"Yes, it the most advanced infantry gun we currently have" Myrus answered "Interesting" Kazotsky said. The demonstration continue.

Location: Ejei, Qua-Toyne Principality, Rodenius
19th August, 1632, 1:21 PM

The howitzer were set, the armored vehicles are on their spots. The forces of Ejei, reinforced by American will repel the Lourian out of Qua-Toynian soils once and for all. They wait for hours and hours, waiting for Lourian troops to appear and they got their answer, Wyverns lord fly out of the dense forest and toward Ejei

Lourian's wyverns scout is then ambushed by Qua-Toynian wyverns unit. It either the fireballs that is direct toward the enemy or they just pick the rider up from the back of their wyvern and drop them from the height.

"That is first batch down! We can do this guys!" The wyvern knight shouted with enthusiasm.

Second batch of wyvern come and the Qua-Toynian use the same tactics, M247 is also assisting in shooting the enemy down.

"The enemy main forces is coming!"

Qua-Toynian officer shouted through the communication line, heavily shielded infantry and more wyverns lord appear from the dense forest. Qua-Toynian units that take the position at the front quickly open fire on the enemy, they disperse quickly after they fire, the second line does the same, then a third and last line.

It leave the Lourian with no time to react, when they know again the whole front have already become a bloody mess.

"They resort to such dirty tactic now? Cavalry! Charge!" Adem shouted.

Men in full plate armor riding on horses charge over a plain green field. Qua-Toynian soldiers use a square formation with pikemen out in front, and the cavalry charge comes to a halt after that. American forces begin picking out the confused horseman one by one.

"Are you kidding- this doesn't go as planned!" One of the officer scoffed.

Some soldiers cowered in panic at the sound of machine guns, luck was not on their side as howitzers rained down hell on the position. Limbs and heads were flying everywhere in a gory pool on the battlefield

"What the hell is this.." One man murmurs.

He throw his muskets down and start running, before he could go far, Adem shot him with a flintlock.

"Who dare deserting will be shot down like that foolish man!"

Lourian troops is forced to keep fighting, their numbers is quickly reducing. Seeing how the situation turn out, the mens finally ignore the orders and retreat.

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