We went up the stairs carefully, Shayla and I shared a look, apparently the problem was bigger than we thought.

We knocked on his bedroom door, he opened the door and let out a sigh when he saw us.

"Thanks for being here. You can come in." He said clearing his throat.

When we entered his room, the usual posters that were on the wall were not there, the walls were empty and there was a suitcase with clothes on his bed.

"Marlon-" Shayla said.

"I need you guys to help me find a place to stay, Did you bring your car?" He said interrupting Shayla, she nodded."Okay, let's get this over with, help me put this suitcase in your car. Milan, take the other one, it's less heavy."

When we went downstairs his mother was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Marlon with teary eyes and a runny nose.

Reaching the door, she took his forearm and said, "Please think about what you're doing, don't waste your life. I know there's a way to solve this, please, I've heard people were healed-" Before his mother could continue he snatched his arm from her grasp.

"I don't need to be healed of anything! I'm not sick, the sick ones are you and your husband." He told her and she froze at her spot.

Tension could be cut with a knife, hid mother always gave the appearance of being a very clean and organized woman, a very strict Catholic.

So when she laid her eyes on me and Shayla, we both lowered our heads.

"These slutty bitches are the ones that made you like that! I bet they're gay too!"
She screamed, my jaw was on the floor, not only had she called us whores but she apparently blamed us for her son's bisexuality.

Shayla and I look at each other's faces, her with the same expression as mine.

Oh, so he already told his parents.

he shook his head giving his mother one last look.

The whole drive we kept silent, Marlon staring lost in the window, surprisingly he didn't shed a single tear.

"Marlon, do you want to talk about it?" I Asked.

It took him about 2 minutes to answer, after a long sigh he said." I thought they would love me unconditionally, I thought that with all the speeches on how to love and not judge that are in the bible they would accept me."

After a bit of silence he said." Do you know what my father told me? That he knew I was "sick" from the moment I cried instead of defending myself when other children teased me."

"Damn it! How can you hate your damn son overnight! Son of a bitch! He almost killed me! He tried to strangle me when I told him everything! If it wasn't because the bitch doesn't have that much strength..." He said, making his hands into fists.

"And my mom! Saying that I was sick, that a demon had taken over her son's body! What the fuck?! She looked at me with so much disgust..." He held his head in his hands. "It's just- how could they hate me so quickly?" He said, breaking down in tears.

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