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Hobi was in the hospital for nearly a week before he woke up, "what happened?" His voice was cracked and groggy from nonuse.

"That fucking whore assaulted you AGAIN, she tried to get you to knot her while she bit over my mating mark."

The Alpha's hand came up to hold onto the place where Tae left his mark, normally Alpha's heal quickly but the bite was aggressive and his Alpha was still fighting the lingering effects of it, "she didn't?"

Tae shook his head quickly, "your Alpha saved you, yet again." He smiled a bit, "he's like really obsessed with me." Now that he knew Hobi was going to be okay, he had an Omega to kill. He got some food into his mate and then he got him back to sleep. Once the nurse came in and administered the painkiller he knew that Hobi would be out for the rest of the night.

It took a lot more digging than normal, but she'd slipped up and checked into a hotel a few days before she attacked Hobi. Then the dumbass geolocated herself in a photo of a pretty flower. It was deleted, but not before Tae saw it. The location was too close to the hotel for it to be a coincidence. 

The Alpha at the front desk was easy to flirt with, all Tae had to do was make sure his mark was covered and since the desk was high enough his belly was hidden as well. He was given a key to his besties room, she was going into heat and needed a few things. He had a bag of 'supplies' for her. Too bad what was in there wasn't anything that would even remotely help a heat but it would help him kill the bitch. 

The hotel was seedy, no security cameras he'd have to worry about. He opened the door and she was curled up in her bed, fast asleep. He saw her luggage near the closet, he could use that to get her out of the hotel unseen. The hotel she was in was used as more of a love hotel than anything, so there was a plastic mattress protector to save the mattress from any fluids. He'd have to toss the sheet, but that's whatever. The floor was wood, so easy clean up there was well. 

He straddled her, his large stomach was in the way. But he wasn't going to let that stop him, she woke up to see the man on top of her and at first she was scared but then the fire was in her eyes. "Oh it's cute that you think you will win this."

She tried to hit his belly, but he was 1,000 times more pissed than she would ever be. So he held her down, using the handcuffs he brought to secure her in place. He pulled his knife out, he bought one that looked just like the one she used on him. "It's fitting you know, you tried to kill our pup with one that looked like this. Now it's time for you to actually die, I won't have you coming between me and my mate."

"He was mine first," she screamed, "you stole him from me with your whorish ways."

Tae snorted, "I actually did everything in my power to stay away from him. He was the one that couldn't leave me alone. I didn't want to come between the happy couple. But his Alpha wanted me, not you. That's why you couldn't get him hard, even in heat. That's why the second he heard I was in pre-heat he left you there crying on the floor to run to me. That's when we made our pup. Did you know that? While you were crying on the floor all alone, we were making our pup."

It was sorta a lie, but he needed her to hurt. "I love him."

"Well too bad, because he's mine."

"You'll have to kill me then, because I won't stop. He will be mine even if I have to kill you and that bastard pup myself."

Tae smiled, he was in his element, "that's why I'm here sweetheart." He brought the knife up in the air and brought it down right over her stomach. He stabbed her right where she stabbed him. Then he kept stabbing her over and over and over. He stabbed her until he couldn't breathe anymore.

After he got her body shoved into the suitcase with the blood soaked blankets, he hopped in the shower, taking his time to get cleaned up and change into new clothes before taking the suitcase and leaving. He had a smile on his face, she was finally out of their lives. Normally he'd cut the body up and cremate it. But not this time, she didn't deserve that. She would get thrown in the fucking river and her suitcase would be her coffin. The knife was still lodged into her heart and he snickered to himself as the case went over the bridge and into the water.

Hobi blinked his eyes open and Tae wasn't there, but the next time he did his mate was asleep next to him on the chair. His clothes were different, but maybe he got sick in the middle of the night. It happened sometimes, so he reached out and held his mates hand and fell back to sleep.

He was so nervous to go home, almost to a paranoid point. He was constantly afraid that she was going to jump out and attack him again. He started having panic attacks, and freaking out if he was too far away from Tae. But the Omega seemed to be fine with it, the night that he went into labor Hobi was more than ready to be an Appa.

Their tiny little girl came into the world screaming her lungs out. Binna was perfect and she had five very loving uncles that doted on her. It took months before Hobi began to feel normal again. There were no more signs of Moonsu, no more gifts left on their doorstep. He began to breathe again, taking walks with Tae every night with their little Binna snuggled up in a wrap on one of their chests.

"What's on your mind love?"

Hobi turned his head to look at his mate, their daughter fast asleep with her fat cheek squished against Tae's chest. "It's been nearly six months since she attacked me. I don't want to hope, but I think we might be safe now. Is it too much to hope for?"

Tae smiled as he reached out and squeezed Hobi's hand, "no it's not. She'll never hurt you again, I promise you."

When they made it home, there were two officers there. "Jung Hoseok, you are under arrest for the murder of Kim Moonsu."

His entire world shattered, he didn't understand what was going on. Binna was screaming her head off and Tae was yelling that he'd fix this. He promised. Hobi was questioned for hours, he was questioned so long that he was starting to lose his voice. But he saw the pictures, Moonsu had been murdered with an amount of rage Hobi didn't even know was possible.

He saw the knife, the one that looked just like the one that was used on Tae. His breath hitched, she'd been missing since that night she attacked him. The timing of the murder fit, but he was in the hospital, he couldn't have done it. But, Tae, Tae could of. He remembers waking up and Tae not being there, he remembers Tae having a change of clothes.

His mate, his sweet little Omega murdered the woman that had attacked him on multiple occasions. "I did it," there was no way he was going to let his mate go to jail, Binna couldn't lose her dad. I love you Tae, I hope you know that and I get why you did it, he whispered for only himself to hear.

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