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A/N This will be the last work I post this year unless my shit show of a life gets better! Thank you for all of your support. This is not edited at all, normally I got back and re-read my work and make sure that it flows and fix anything I see, yes there are still typos because it's me we are talking about here. But this one has not been looked at since I dumped it onto paper so to speak. So if it does not make sense, I super apologize! Love you Chaos Goblins so so much.

"To our newest Omega," the drunk girls around the table cheered. The man seethed remembering his own presentation day, how he was so excited to finally smell other wolves and then he found out the harsh truth. That not every wolf can smell pheromones, some of them are scent blind and he was one of the unlucky few that got that rare gene. His inner wolf lashed out, the Omega wanting to smell potential mates and know if he was in danger etc. But it didn't happen, his parents tried, bless them, down to their last dying breath they still told them how much they loved him and that he was just as much of a wolf as they were.

He never had heats, his Omega so lost inside himself that it never came to the surface except when he made his kills. When he held the knife over his dying father he realized that he could smell them, when their blood was pouring out of them and they cried out in fear, he smelled everything. It was a turning point in his life, he'd find a new wolf and stalk them for about a week and then he'd make his kill.

How they hadn't found him yet was a bit insane. There was a serial killer loose in Seoul and no one, not even the news has said a word. Maybe he was too good at what he was doing to get caught? He rolled his eyes again when the group of girls cheered. He was after the one that just presented, her name was Makaela and she was well loved. Always surrounded by other wolves and it had him seething.

"Kae Kae, let us walk you back."

Makaela shook her head no, "I live 3 blocks from here, plus I need the fresh air. You know what it's like to be newly presented, the scents are overwhelming. I need a break and if you come, I won't get one." Her friend pouted but finally let her go. Makaela turned around and headed towards her apartment.

He followed her, not close enough that she could hear him and since he didn't really have a scent to worry about since his Omega would only come out once she was dead. He'd learned long ago how to mask being a normal human. He was approached by a lot of people, but he hated every single one of them, how fake they were. He could smile and laugh, pretending to be one of them. But he was only ever content when he was with the animals.

He was in college to become a veterinarian. So he had access to a lot of tools he needed for his kills as well as a nice sized cremator. As long as he chopped the bodies up after draining them of all of their blood he could dispose of them in a way that no one would ever find them. He was the top student in his department and already had an internship at a large vet clinic close to campus. One which he already had the keys to so he could use the equipment after hours.

He cut across to the other side of the road through the alley Makaela just passed. This would put him right next to her apartment complex when she passes to go inside. He didn't mind walking in the dark, since he was a friend of darkness. But no female Omega, honestly no normal Omega would ever put themselves in danger like that. "Hello," his deep voice broke through the darkness making her scream a bit.

"Sorry, you scared me," she gasped as she held a hand to her chest.

"You should be."

"Excuse me?" Her voice started taking on a bit of an edge of fear and it made him want to smile. She was already scared, that meant that soon he'd be able to smell her newly presented scent.

"You should be scared," he whispered before everything went black for her.

Makaela was laid down on her bed as the man pulled out all of the things he will need for tonight. He hummed to himself, happy that he was about to have his Omega at the surface again. He made the first cut making the girl wake up and try and scream, "you can scream all you want, but no one will hear you little Omega."

Tears poured down her cheeks as she tried to push the gag out of her mouth and move her body enough to get away. But she couldn't move, she was tied down too tight as a man hovered over her naked body. The last thing she remembered before she left this world was she recognized the beautiful man above her. They had a math class together but she never spoke to him.

Once he smelled her blood he smiled, her scent, vanilla with a hint of lavender. His Omega came to the surface and for the first time in a week, he was content. He'd stay here, with her until her body cooled and the scent went away. Happy to feel whole for as long as possible.

After disposing of the body and catching a few hours of sleep, Tae walked into his class. His head down as he replayed the night before over and over in his head. This is the class with a lot of loud jocks in it. But they tend to leave him alone, he only had about a week before the semester was over and then he could find a new victim. It made him smile, he missed his Omega so much.

As he made his way out of class and to the canteen, the scent hit him, Sandalwood with a hint of Pineapple. His Omega surged to the surface, his eyes turning bright blue, his nose in the air trying to follow it. But it was getting fainter, like the owner was no longer there anymore. Tae wanted to cry, for the first time in his life he was smelling someone's scent without having to kill them.

He had to find out where that scent came from. There were only about five people in the canteen, but he didn't know if a group just left or not. It couldn't have been more than five minutes that the scent left, it was too strong for it to have been much longer than that. Time to use his looks to his advantage. He forgot that he needed to eat, his craving for that scent was so overpowering.

Tae knocked on the door, praying it was an Omega that answered. A man in his sixties opened the door, based on looks it was a Beta. With his best smile, "hi, I was hoping you could help me. This Alpha scented me last week without permission while I was sleeping outside on the lawn." He knew the Beta would frown so he blinked and looked ashamed, "I know, it was careless of me. I was just so tired from school and work. But I want to find him and give him a piece of my mind." Please believe me, he chanted to himself over and over.

The Beta sighed, "how am I supposed to be able to help, we don't have that many cameras outside. And pending on where you were, there might not be any."

The Omega nodded his head quickly, "I know, but I went to the canteen earlier and I smelled it again. There weren't many people there and they had just left. There's camera in there aren't there?"

"Come on," the guard gruffed as he opened the door all the way for Tae to walk in. The footage was pulled up and Tae watched every single person that came in. "How are you supposed to know who it was? You can't smell through the screen."

I can't smell anything besides this you moron, "don't worry about that. I know most on campus so I'll be able to rule them out," he mused with a smile.

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