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"Tae wait," Jimin yelled as he tried to chase after the other Omega.

"No Jimin," Tae whipped around and glared at him. "I get it, you are their friend and I'm just the weirdo that no one wanted to be paired off with so you got stuck with me. We aren't friends, I understand, you choose them. But you can't expect me to sit by idly and just take it. Please don't force me to get my heart broken more than it already has."

Jimin shook his head, reaching out his hand to hold Tae's much larger ones. "No, that's not," he groaned. He turned his head to look at Yoongi, "go pack me an overnight bag, I'm staying with Tae tonight."

"No you aren't, go home to your Alpha. Just because I can't be with mine doesn't mean you can't be with yours."

Jimin shook his head again as he waved off what the younger was saying, "he will be in the studio for hours tonight anyway. He'll get us some food and lots of ice cream and we'll build a nest, stuff our faces and watch movies while we complain about stupid Alpha's all night."

"This stupid Alpha is doing all of your biding," Yoongi grumbled.

"Love you," Jimin shouted out as he blew kisses into the air.

"Love you too, text me Tae's address and what food you guys want," and then the Alpha was gone.

Tae sighed a bit as he pulled his hands from Jimin's, "you really don't have to stay with me. I'll be fine, I know that you, that we aren't friends. You don't have to feel guilty, I'm used to being alone."

Jimin pulled him in for a hug and squeezed him tightly, "well no more and we are friends Tae. Yes I've known them longer, but that doesn't mean anything. I wasn't forced to be your partner, I asked to be because I wanted to get to know you. Now show me where you live," he all but demanded.

So Tae did. He was slightly freaking out, he lived alone and it's not like his house screamed serial killer or anything. But he did have treasures that he kept from each of his victims that might be a bit hard to explain if Jimin found them. Once the door was unlocked, he waved his hand, "well here it is, my humble abode."

"Where's your nest?" Jimin asked as he looked around the room. It was a studio apartment, it was all he could afford on his scholarship, he had his parents life insurance but he tried his best to not touch it.

"I don't have one, well not really just that," he mumbled as he pointed to his one blanket, his comforter that was on his bed. Before last night when his phantom heat hit, he'd never felt the need to even nest. So he just scrunched up his blanket and called it good.

Jimin practically deflated in sadness right in front of Tae, "oh Tae Tae," he pulled his phone out and was dialing someone. "Yoongi," he all but cried into the phone, "there's no nest here, bring me the extra things or go buy some." The Alpha was saying something but Tae couldn't hear and he tuned out Jimin. He hated pity more than anything. He didn't have a nest because his Omega rarely ever wanted anything to do with him.

It took a few hours but finally there was a knock at the door and there stood an amused Yoongi and a very concerned looking Hobi. "What's he doing here," Jimin growled as he shielded Tae's apartment from being seen since Hobi was trying to get a glance inside. 

"He was standing next to me when you called about nesting supplies, he bought Tae a bunch of things."

Jimin looked at the bags with curiosity and then he snatched them from the Alpha, kissed his Alpha and then told them to leave. He turned around, holding the bags up like a peace offering, "if you don't want them, we'll take them to his dorm tomorrow and burn them on the lawn."

Tae's head cocked to the side a bit, "didn't know you were such a pyromaniac Chim."

That made the older Omega preen, "Chim, that's cute! And I'm not, I just want to prove to you that I'm here for you. Yes I'm their friend, but I'm yours too. I've only known her longer, that's all. And honestly, I've known Hobi for less than I've known you. So there."

"Okay Chim, so what are we eating?"

They sat around Tae's little table and ate so much street food and for once Tae didn't have to pretend. He was genuinely having a good time with the elder. The food was delicious and even the tv show that Jimin insisted was so hilarious was actually good. "Do you want to make a nest? If you don't that's fine. Like I said we can totally burn everything tomorrow."

"I don't know, I've never really even made a nest. Why do I need to have one now?"

Jimin was grinning as he swayed back and forth, "sleeping in my nest with mine and my Alpha's scent is everything. I get the best sleep ever." He pulled the blankets out of the bags and smirked, "look just try it and if sleeping surrounded by his scent doesn't help you, tomorrow we watch it burn."

"Scent?" He asked as he perked up a bit, he hadn't noticed anything until he pulled the blankets to his nose and there it was, his Alpha's scent. His Omega was in heaven but his human side was conflicted. Yes he wanted the Alpha and he will do everything he can to get him. But he really didn't want to have his heart broken in the process.

He'd have to do something to fix this, but for now maybe accepting the blankets will be okay. He'll get a good nights sleep and even learn how to nest. And tomorrow if he feels like it, they burn them and watch the Alpha have to come up with another plan. It was slightly evil, but since it was Jimin's idea, it couldn't be that bad. Jimin wasn't some emotionless murderer like Tae was.

Jimin wasn't wrong, making a nest and being surrounded by his Alpha's scent was amazing. Jimin had apologized that his scent was going to be mixed in and ruin it, before his face turned sad, "but I guess you wouldn't be able to smell it anyway would you?"

Tae just shook his head no, not wanting more pity. Jimin whispered he was sorry and then asked if they could cuddle. They fell asleep curled around each other and it was everything Tae had been missing in his life.

That night he dreamed of how he wanted to kill Moonsu, how he wanted to watch the light drain from her eyes as he told her how he was going to be Hobi's mate, bare his mark and have his pups. It was such a nice dream, it made him so happy to think that someday all of that was going to be true.

"Ugh," Jimin groaned as he rolled over into Tae more, "it's so early why are you up and so happy?"

"You can tell I'm happy?"

He cracked open one eye, "well considering your scent is about to choke me to death, yeah."

"Sorry, just a good dream."

Jimin shot up onto his knees and he clapped his hands so excitedly, "was it about Hobi?"

Tae rolled his eyes before rolling away from the super excited Omega on his bed, "wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would actually, so spill," his arms were crossed over his chest and he tried his hardest to look stern. It was pointless, his fluffy bedhead and puffy sleep face where he still had some drool on his cheek was enough to make even Tae coo at how adorable he is.

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