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They left him alone for the first week since both Jin and Jimin knew how sensitive Omegas are after their heat, but that was the all they'd give him. It started with them calling and then stopping by as they pounded on the door. Then they roped the others into coming by and calling as well, he even heard Hobi at his door a few times.

But he couldn't get out of his nest, he kept remembering everything he'd done. He shoved Hobi's cum inside him multiple times. What if he was pregnant? Part of him wanted to cry and the other wanted to rejoice. He might be carrying his Alpha's pup. He wished he could smell himself, he knew that pregnancy was supposed to change your scent, but he didn't know how soon it happened. Did he have a while before it would kick in or would Jimin know the instant he hugged him?

He'd have to face them sooner or later, they wouldn't give up, that much he knew. It was as certain as the sun setting in a few hours. They would come, just like they do every single day. So tomorrow when one of them shows up, he'll open the door as long as it's either Jin or Jimin. But for now he needed to sleep. He needed to eat, but he just couldn't convince himself to get out of bed.

The knock came around 9 am, he heard Jimin's soft voice asking if Tae was okay. He got up, extremely wobbly on his feet. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd even eaten anything. But he made it to the door, Jimin pinched his nose, "sorry I haven't bathed," Tae snarked.

"It's not that, your scent screams Omega in distress. Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" He grumbled as he turned around and tried his best to make his way to his nest without alarming the elder.

"No you don't, when was the last time you ate anything?" When Tae shrugged Jimin squeaked in distress before pulling out his phone. Cabinets were being opened and slammed shut as he whisper yelled into the phone. Tae assumed he was either talking to Yoongi or Jin, but he couldn't bother caring enough to ask.

He was more concerned that his Alpha's scent was fading from his nest, it was the only thing that kept him grounded and from feeling sick. Not twenty minutes later Jimin whipped the door open and practically fell into his Alpha's arms, "what took so long?"

Yoongi grunted with the weight that was suddenly all on him to keep upright, "I was with Hoba, it took me a good 15 minutes just to convince him that him coming along was a really bad fucking idea."

"Well you aren't wrong there, help me get him out of bed. I can't lift him and he can barely walk on his own. He about fell five times from the door to his nest."

The Alpha's eyebrow was raised a bit, "you want me, an Alpha to pick up a distressed Omega out of his nest. Look if you didn't want to mate you coulda just said something, you didn't have to set my murder up."

"Tae," Jimin whispered as he approached the younger Omega, "I can't lift you but Yoongi can, can he help you get to the table so you can eat?"

He didn't want that, but it's not like he really had a choice, if he was pregnant he needed to eat, for the pup. "Fine, but please don't touch the nest," his long fingers reached out as he pet the blanket that held the most of Hobi's scent, "it's already fading."

Yoongi nodded his head and he reached down and lifted Tae up into a bridal hold, he'd never held another Omega like this other than Jimin. He made it about few steps away from the nest when he smelled it, his nose getting closer to Tae's scent gland, he groaned out a low fuck.

"Don't tell them, please."

"I can't keep this from them for long, one needs to know and the other one will know I'm hiding something."

"I promise I'll tell them, just let me figure things out first."

Yoongi nodded his head and continued on his way to the small table, "Hoba will be able to smell it, you'll need scent blockers and Minnie will be able to smell it if he gets too close."

"Thank you," was all he could say. The couple made sure that Tae ate and Jimin told him he needed to go shower and once he was done he'd leave. But he'd be back tomorrow and the next day until Tae felt like going back to school again.

The next morning there was a knock, Tae assumed it was Jimin so he opened the door only to see Yoongi standing there holding a plastic bag, "Jimin will be here in an hour. Put this on, eat the food he's bringing and go to class. You've missed too much and you are stressing him out to where he's struggling in class. I won't have that, if you don't do this, I will tell them, both of them."

Tae hated ultimatums, but Yoongi was right. He couldn't let Jimin fail his college classes because he went and knocked himself up. "Okay," was all he said and that was enough for the stoic Alpha. He handed the bag over and then turned to leave with a grumbled thanks.

He got ready, getting dressed and using the blockers, his scent had always been faint unless extreme emotions were going on, but since Yoongi could smell the pup, an Omega definitely would if he got close enough. He waited for the soft knock that he knew Jimin would use. When it came, Tae opened the door and smiled as much as he could at the older Omega.

"You look great, are you going to class today?"

"I am, I hope you don't mind going with me?"

Jimin shook his head quickly, "of course not," he kicked the floor a bit as he looked at his feet, "what about him?"

Tae knew exactly what him Jimin was referring to, "I don't want to see him. I know he has to go to school and that's fine. I'm just not ready for him to try and see me, can, can you tell him?"

"I can, not sure if he'll listen but I'll have Jin enforce it. He might be an Omega, but even Yoongi is scared of him."

That actually got a laugh out of him, they sat down and ate quickly before heading to school. The entire time all Tae could think about was what if he saw the Alpha. But he didn't, Jin must have already gotten to him and scared him off. Tae had never been so grateful for friends before. The days got easier, but he could see glimpses of the Alpha out of the corner of his eye. But whenever he turned, he'd be gone.

It was driving him insane. He also noticed that the little gifts started showing back up, homemade food and scented items. He wanted to refuse them, but he was a shit cook anyway and he told himself that he needed to eat for their pup. So he ate everything the Alpha gave him, and he used the scented items so it could calm his anxiety down enough that he could sleep.

It was a vicious cycle that was making him more dependent on the Alpha and he hated that, but he was in too deep now. Soon he'd start to show and that's when he was really worried, how would Hobi react when he found out he was going to be a father? Even more when Tae was technically a virgin. He snorted, "virgin Mary who," before laughing at himself.

This was not going to be easy, that was for sure. But for now, he could handle it. He knew Hobi wanted him, he knew that Hobi chose him. He just needed some time to catch up with his Omega.

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