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It took a few days before he learned everything he could possibly learn about Hobi, the Alpha didn't have any private social media accounts they were all public. Making it extremely easy for Tae. He learned when his birthday was, his favorite places to hang out, his fav foods and even his class schedule. He wouldn't even have to charm the secretary again, the Alpha had laid his entire life out online. Even the girlfriend, Moonsu was in a lot of posts.

Tae instantly hated her, she was pretty but he felt like he was prettier and that he could make Hobi so much happier. For one, he was here and she was not. Apparently, they'd been together since high school when she moved from Busan to Daegu. She was an orphan that was bounced around from foster home to foster home until she settled in Daegu and met Hobi. They'd been inseparable ever since. But then Hobi got the chance to join Tae's college in Seoul and he moved there ahead of her. So he has this semester to get Hobi to fall.

By the end of the next week he had his plan, he needed to see if the Alpha was affected by his scent like he is by Hobi's. But the only issue was, he didn't have a scent unless the Alpha was around and he wasn't quite ready to face him just yet. Then he remembered his coat that he wore during the game, his pheromones were all over it, practically reeking. Not that he could really smell it, it had always been so faint that it didn't take much to keep it in check. Only coming out when his Omega rarely came to the surface.

But the jacket was drenched in his scent of lilies and jasmine. So he wrapped it up in a plastic bag to preserve the scent as much as he could and he made his way to the library. He knew that on Thursdays the Alpha went to the study room on the top floor at the end of the hall and he'd stay there for a few hours until he had to go to dance practice. So all Tae had to do was get there before him and leave his coat in the room. All rooms are monitored, and he's sure that he can convince the Beta guard to let him look again.

So that's what he did, he left his coat on the chair that the Alpha usually sits in and then he quickly left the library. He had to come up with an excuse, and since the guard thinks that he was assaulted, he's going to keep up with that line of thinking. So after Hobi had been there an hour he made his way to the door and knocked, "hi I'm so sorry to bug you again. But I need your help. I think I found the Alpha but I want to make sure it's him before I go to the Dean."

The guard grumbled but opened the door letting Tae inside. He directed him to where he needed to see and there Hobi was in the room, but it looked like he was fidgeting a bit. Tae had the guard rewind a bit to ensure no one else came in the room. When Hobi first entered, his entire body jolted and it looked like his eyes flashed a bit but since the camera was black and white it was hard to be sure. But if Tae's scent brought out the inner Alpha that was a good sign.

Tae sighed, "I don't think that's him. I'm so sorry for wasting your time."

"Don't worry about it, I have an Omega son and he was harassed when he was younger. If I can do anything to help, I will."

It was very sweet and even if it wasn't needed, Tae did appreciate the sentiment. "Thank you again."

Now does he go to the room or does he just leave his coat there and pick it up later? He could make it quick, just run in and apologize as he grabs his coat and runs out. But he also runs the risk of his Omega going crazy. He wanted to smell the Alpha again, so it was a risk he was going to have to take. Maybe if he's quick enough, he can make the Alpha curious about him. He wouldn't have to chase him if the Alpha came willingly.

So he made his way over to the study room and knocked softly, after hearing a cheerful 'come in.' Tae opened the door and started to apologize quickly saying he left his coat, He snatched it before running out of the room and slamming the door behind him. But he saw it, he noticed the Alpha's eyes flash and he was sure that his Omega's did as well but he kept his head ducked down to avoid direct eye contact.

Hobi was freaking out, when he walked into the study room a scent hit him like a ton of fucking bricks. And it made his Alpha go insane, it was everything his wolf had ever wanted. That was his fucking mate and he had no idea who it was. It smelled like an Omega and based off of the jacket he assumed it was a man. But he knew nothing else. There was nothing in the coat identifying who the owner was. He was going to take it to the front desk and leave it there for its owner. But part of him wanted to wait and see if they came back.

He needed to know if it actually was his mate or if his wolf was just lonely since Moonsu was hours away and they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks. He tried to study, he really did. But the scent was taking over his braincells and he was turning into one of those dumb himbo knotheads. There was a knock on the door and he shook his head before calling out a come in. And then the door opened and his breath was taken away completely. The most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life stepped in and the scent was almost nonexistent at first but once he picked up the coat he smelled it.

It subtly wafted over to him and surrounded him like a warm hug. His Alpha came to the surface and screamed mate over and over and encouraged Hobi to bite the poor thing right then and there. He didn't even know his name and before he could even ask, the Omega was gone and the door was closed behind him. By the time he snapped out of it and ran after the beautiful man he was already gone. The scent of him was fading since it was outside. He'd never met a wolf with such a faint scent and it concerned him, was his mate sick?

Tae practically ran back to his apartment, he was borderline hyperventilating and giddy with joy all at the same time. His Alpha reacted to him and he couldn't stop smiling, now he just needed an excuse to be around Jimin some more since they are friends. Surely the Omega wouldn't push him away, he wouldn't make it obvious that he was there because of Hobi.

So he waited outside the math building with another cup of coffee, he called the blonde over with a big smile and apologizes on his tongue. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other day. I hope you know that I had no ill intentions, it was just my Omega." He looked down at the ground kicking rocks a bit, he was about to bare his soul, it was the only way. But not all of it, just enough to get Jimin to understand where he was coming from.

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