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"I think I'm going crazy," Hobi grumbled as he plopped down on the studio floor next to Jimin to stretch before their class.

Jimin was practically bent in half but he turned his face to look at the Alpha, "and that's different from any other day how?"

Hobi rolled his eyes as he threw his towel onto Jimin's face, "I feel like I'm being watched, constantly. But whenever I look around, no one is there."

The Omega sat up a bit, "well that's not good, you are popular though, maybe it's just an Omega with a crush or something."

"Yeah, maybe," he whispered as he got on with his stretching.

Jimin bit his lip a bit, he didn't believe what he was saying at all, something about the situation was making him uncomfortable. But he wanted to talk to Yoongi about it first, just in case he was being overdramatic. "Tae said that his appointment is coming up, are you excited?"

Distracting the both of them is exactly what they needed. He didn't want Hobi stressing and if he stressed right now, everyone in the dance studio would know and then he'd have to talk to Hobi since he's such a good Alpha. There's no way he'd leave his friend distressed, he'd try to fix it or he'd call Yoongi over and that's the last thing Jimin wanted.

"I am so excited," Hobi practically yelled out for everyone to hear, "I get to see my pup and hear its little heartbeat."

His scent was filling the room with proud, happy Alpha. Jimin had a hard time believing that Hobi had ever been that happy before. Even when he first met him, he was a happy guy, but not this happy. But then again he'd never seen him with Moonsu, maybe he was the same way with her. For Tae's sake Jimin sure hoped not, he wants them to be happy. Even more now since Moonsu is acting out in such a disgusting way.

He was so appalled when Hobi told him exactly what she'd tried to do. Mating someone against their will is already disgusting enough, but trying to force a mating on someone that has a fated mate is basically killing the fated pair. No wolf would accept a mating that wasn't from their fated. They'd lose their wolf and potentially their life since they'd met before the forced mating would have happened.

"You aren't listing to a word I'm saying Jiminah," Hobi whined softly.

"Sorry," Jimin giggled, "I was thinking about my routine for this semester."

"Jimin," Hobi was using his annoyed voice, the one he uses when Jimin spends too long in the studio practicing and still won't go home. Hobi only gets him to leave when Yoongi shows up and throws Jimin over his shoulder and forces him home. "We've been in this semester for like 2 weeks, we've had what not even 6 practices and you are already worried about your routine?"

He let Hobi chastise him since it was better than telling him the truth about his worries concerning Moonsu. "Yeah, yeah. I know, let's practice so you can get home to your mate and pup."

"Not yet," he sighed happily, "but I hope so soon."

Tae was in the middle of doing an autopsy on a beloved pug trying to find out why he died. Normally he can get through these with no issues, but for some reason, today he can't. He keeps having to wipe his tears away, making the lead vet ask multiple times if he's okay. It took 30 minutes before he was able to convince him that it was just the hormones from the pup and that he really was fine.

He continued doing what he had to do, "the cause of death was a tumor," he told the lead vet.

"But they did several scans, they were all benign."

Tae shrugged a bit, "well they missed this one then, it was cancerous. He was suffering there at the end."

The vet frowned a bit, "well thank you for letting me know. We aren't going to tell them that though, they loved him and if they find out that they missed something and he was in pain, they'd never forgive themselves."

As soon as the door swung shut behind the Doctor, Hobi walked in with a smile on his face. It dropped a bit, "are you okay Baby?" Tae shook his head slowly as he took a few deep breaths. "Need a hug?" Tae nodded again and opened his arms wide. Hobi took a step towards him, but then stopped. "Maybe you could, uh, clean up first."

Tae looked down at his attire, he was wearing scrubs and his apron had blood all over it. He still had his gloves and a scalpel in his hand. "Oh," he chirped. "Sorry," he started removing everything that had blood on it and then he opened his arms back wide so he could hug his Alpha.

"It's okay, it's your job. But I must admit it was a bit scary seeing you all covered in blood. I don't know how to do that, I would puke."

The Omega just shrugged a bit not wanting to be let go. "I'm used to it, blood and cutting up bodies doesn't bother me after all these years."

"It's only been what 3 years and you are already desensitized to it?"

Tae flinched a bit, "yeah, 3 years," he mumbled.

"Come on, let's go get some food and then cuddle. It's been a long and exhausting day."

It was perfect, life with Hobi was everything he could have dreamed of. The Alpha was loving, attentive and so sweet. The first time the Alpha heard their pups heartbeat he started crying and thanking Tae over and over for this amazing gift. Tae didn't understand the feeling that was going on inside him, but he liked it. 

His heart was beating fast, he wanted to smile all the time, it was like he was constantly floating. He only ever felt like this when he made his kills and he could smell their scents. But now, he felt it every single time he was around Hobi, and being able to smell his scent all day was akin to being magical. 

When they went shopping for the baby for the first time it took everything in Tae to not cry over the tiny onesies that Hobi kept holding up for him to see. It was so overwhelming, but in such an amazing way. The Alpha was so excited about the pup and he couldn't contain his smiles every time he picked something up to show the Omega. They ended up spending more than they should have, but it was hard to say no to Hobi's pout when he wanted something.

"I have to head back to my place tonight and grab more stuff, do you want to come with me?"

Tae nodded his head sleepily, of course he wanted to go, he loved going to Hobi's place. It smelled so much like the Alpha that his inner Omega would want to do nothing but roll around in his bed. Which is exactly what he did when he got there, making Hobi chuckle a bit as he gathered some more clothes. 

"I told you that we could bring the blankets back to your place, you were the one that said no."

"Because it gives me something to do when I'm here," he whined, a bit muffled since his face was shoved into Hobi's pillow.

The Alpha dropped the bag and padded across the floor to get to his sleepy Omega, "do you want to just stay here tonight?"

The Omega's eyes were bright blue as he smiled, "can we?"

"Of course we can," he scoffed, "although, your place smells more like me than it does you nowadays anyway."

"Shh," he said as Tae pushed his finger against Hobi's lips. "Sleepy."

"Okay Baby, let's sleep," he curled around his Omega and shoved his face in his neck, he loved his scent, even if it was faint and smelling more of pregnant Omega than his usual of lilies and jasmine. But sometime during the night, he smelled it, but his sleepy brain didn't quite register it.

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