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It was not ideal at all, but it was the most he was going to get at the moment. He just needed an in and now that he had Jimin on his side and the Alpha seemed to really want him around he could start to become the perfect Omega for Hobi. "Okay, we can be friends. But what does that mean exactly?"

"We can hang out, study together, eat together, maybe go do things like movies and such."

Jimin groaned with an eye roll muttering how that was basically dating unless they went as groups. "He's right you know. I don't want to be the reason to cause any strain on your relationship. Are you sure you don't want to be friends just because she isn't here?"

That made the Alpha frown a bit, "well I have to go back to Daegu in a few weeks and see her, her heat is coming up." Tae didn't even hear the rest of it, all he heard was that HIS Alpha was going to another Omega to attend their heat.

Something flared deep in his belly, "Jimin has my number, I'm going to be late to class. I'll talk to you later Alpha." Then he was gone, something was wrong and he didn't know what it was. He barely made it to his bed before the cramps hit. He was in agony, the pain was like nothing he'd ever felt before. 

His hole was slicking up and his cock was rock hard and leaking. Something that never happens, he has never experienced arousal before. And if this is what arousal is, then he wants nothing to do with it. This fucking hurts, way too much. It only lasted a few hours and when he googled it, apparently it was a phantom heat. Something that your inner Omega does around your Alpha when you are in distress about them leaving you.

So his Omega was so upset with Hobi's Alpha wanting to attend another Omega's heat that it sent him into heat. And Tae had to agree, there was no way he would allow Hobi to go there he just didn't know how to stop him short of murdering the girl and he really didn't want to do that to either Jimin or Hobi.

 He flopped back onto the bed groaning in annoyance and phantom pain from the heat that had already ended. He had a few weeks, a few weeks to somehow convince the Alpha to stay. He had no idea how he was going to pull that one off, but he'd have to think of something. It was the next day that he ran into the Alpha. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong yesterday? You ran out of there like you were really upset."

How does he tell him that the thought of him servicing another Omega in their heat makes him want to murder said Omega and tie the Alpha up to his bed and show him who is the better Omega? But he can't and he's not even sure if he wants the Alpha in his bed. His Omega does, but he's not sure if he, Tae does or not. 

Yes he thought about Hobi last night when he touched himself, something he'd never done before. His scent must be giving away his embarrassment based on how the Alpha is reacting. "What did I do Tae? I'm so sorry."

"It's-this is so dumb," he whined as he covered his face. He knew his cheeks were bright red and he was trying not to cry.

"Nothing you could say would be dumb?"

Tae snorted out a laugh, "oh yeah? SO if I tell you that my Omega was absolutely pissed that you are going to go see and attend another Omega during their heat you wouldn't think that was dumb?"

Hobi stared at him for a bit, not even blinking. Honestly he didn't even look like he was breathing at all, "no that's not dumb because as soon as I said it, my Alpha," he chuckled a bit and shook his head. "My Alpha revolted he was so pissed. I don't know what's going on."

"Fated mates is fun huh?"

The Alpha smirked a little, "I know that it upsets ours wolves, but I have to at least go and see her. We've been together for so long and I just can't abandon her."

"What about me?" Tae cried out, "I didn't ask for this. I smelled you and then when Jimin told me you were courting someone I stayed away. I was good, I didn't mean to leave my coat in that room but once I realized I left it, I went back to get it. Then you seek me out, this is only our second time meeting and now you tell me this? Why even find me at all?"

He was full on crying at this point and he didn't know if it was real or fake, his emotions were all over the place and he wasn't sure what was masking and what was his Omega revolting inside him. "Tae," Hobi whispered as he reached out softly to touch the trembling Omega in front of him.

Tae pulled his arm out of reach, fire in his eyes as he growled low in his throat, "no don't, don't touch me. Not when you are going to go attend her. Did you know that you sent me into a phantom heat yesterday? That's why I ran." He stood up to his full height, "if you attend her heat don't expect me to wait around for you. Maybe I'll trigger mine and have another Alpha attend me, see how your wolf likes it." Then he spun around and left, conveniently leaving the blanket he'd been sitting on. It was covered in his scent and should be enough to drive the Alpha a little crazy.

It was a bit evil of him, but he needed that stupid Alpha to realize something. They were fated mates, they were end game and if Tae can't have him, he'll be damned if he lets some other Omega have what's his. He can't have that, he'll murder her if it comes down to it. Jimin and Hobi's feelings be damned. His scent was all over the place, he knew that but he absolutely did not care. He was livid, so livid that he wanted to go back down that path of darkness.

But he saw Jimin, the Omega running towards him looking concerned. "Tae, Hobi called me in a panic. Are you okay?"

"Stupid Alpha," Tae grumbled only to hear a low laugh coming from his side. It was Jimin's Alpha, Tae didn't know much about him other than the two were fated.

"Yeah, Alpha's can be pretty dumb. What did Hoba do by the way? He was being a tad dramatic over the phone, we couldn't really understand what he was saying."

Tae was still fuming, "that stupid Alpha told me AFTER he admitted that his Alpha was upset about going to her, that he still wants to."

"Tae," Jimin sighed, "they are courting and they've been with each other during every cycle basically since they presented. It would be painful for her to go at it alone."

"That's fine, if he wants to fuck her, then I'll trigger my heat and fuck another Alpha," Tae shouted, his nostrils flaring and his chest heaving up and down.

Yoongi sucked in a breath and Jimin groaned, "he will kill that Alpha. Just ask Yoongi what would happen if another Alpha helped me during my heat."

"Yeah it wouldn't be good," Yoongi was rubbing the back of his neck looking sheepish.

"So what, I'm supposed to sit at home while he fucks her for several days and what, take him back with open arms when he's drained his balls? No thank you, I didn't want this. I was good Jimin, he's the one that wouldn't leave me alone. He can't have us both and he clearly wants her more so he can have her, I'm done."

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