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Hobi got them up and cleaned up, his Alpha was so fucking happy that Tae was wearing his clothes. Not that the Omega didn't do it all the time anyway, but hey sometimes instincts are just that. "Baby, rest a bit. I'm going to go grab us some food, I don't have anything here to eat and our pup needs food."

"Okay, hurry though," Tae whined from the little nest he'd made in Hobi's bed.

The Alpha smiled as he looked at his fated, all curled up and purring. He didn't want to leave, but he knew that Tae would be fine since he was more than surrounded by his scent. But when he opened the front door, he froze. There on the doorstep was a courting gift, in fact it was a lot like the one that he gave Moonsu when he started to court her in high school.

Why would she do that? Surely she wasn't trying to court him, they broke it off. He had a fated mate that's pupped, there would never be anybody else but Tae for him. He picked it up and dropped it in the hallway trash can. He didn't want it, or anything from her other than to be left alone.

Jimin was freaking out, he was fairly sure he saw Moonsu on campus. But when he tried to look harder, he couldn't find her. It was pissing him off, why would she do this? Why would you attend a college your Ex went to with his fated mate? That's just asking for more heartbreak than she'd already been through. Maybe it was too late to cancel the transfer and she was doing everything she could to transfer again. He'd give her the benefit of the doubt.

When he told Yoongi about it the Alpha seemed just as concerned. He didn't want his new friends getting hurt by someone that clearly wasn't all there in the head. No one, not even the government would stand between fated mates. It was against the law and the fact that she's tried to force a mating on Hobi more than once is certifiable. "Should we talk to them about it?"

Jimin sighed, "but what if they haven't seen or heard from her? Tae is pregnant, I don't want to add any unneeded stress. I could be wrong too, it's not like she has any super distinctive features. I could have seen her wrong, you know my eyesight is horrible."

He did know that, but he also trusts Jimin. The Omega is rarely ever wrong and something about that Moonsu just didn't sit right with Yoongi. "We won't say anything yet, at least not to Tae. But keep an eye out and if we see anything else, we have to at least tell Hobi. He's already been assaulted twice now by her, what if she tries again and actually mates him?"

"You are right," Jimin's entire body deflated a bit in defeat. He never in a million years thought that his friend from school could do something like that. She was always so sweet, so kind to everyone. Never one to act out, she was the perfect example of what an Omega should be. The total opposite of Jimin. All he had that was Omega like on him was his features, his attitude was way more in line with an Alpha if he was being honest.

Hobi was fairly sure he was going insane. He kept smelling Moonsu but he never saw her and he kept finding little gifts that he knew were from her. Some were left at his front door, others on his desks or locker in the dance studio. But he never saw her, "you seem tense, is Tae and the pup okay?"

The Alpha looked up and saw his friend standing there, Yoongi looked so concerned. A look that he usually only reserved for his little Omega that was constantly getting into issues, like staying hours too late at the studio dancing until he could barely stand. "They are fine, it's me that's the issue."

The older Alpha cocked his head to the side, he really did look like a kitten. Not that he'd ever admit that one out loud, he wasn't trying to die. Jimin was the only one that could tease him, well that and Jin, but no one crossed Jin. That Omega was by far the scariest of them all. "Want to talk about it? I can listen to you rant, I can give you advice or we can just sit here in silence and ignore each other like true Alpha besties."

Hobi snorted so loud before he started to cackle, and very loudly. His entire body shaking with how funny he thought that was. Yoongi sat down in a huff mumbling how it wasn't even that funny. But that only made Hobi laugh harder, he fell over into Yoongi so hard he could barely breathe. "Sorry, I needed that. I've been so tense and fucking stressed lately."

"Yeah, your pupped Omega driving you up the wall?" He was teasing of course, but he really wanted Hobi to talk. He needed an opening to tell him about what Jimin thought he saw.

"No Tae is perfect, other than wanting to smell me as much as possible he's been super easy. Nothing like I thought a pregnant mate would be like. He so cute and cuddly, I'm just so thankful that this pup happened. Without it, I wouldn't even be able to be close to him."

"You aren't mad that he tricked you into getting himself pregnant?"

Hobi shook his head no so quickly, his hair flying all over the place. "Not at all, am I mad that I didn't get to do it the traditional way? A bit, but I'm not upset about the end result at all. I got my fated and we are having a pup. Eventually we'll get to be a normal couple that does normal couple things."

His head was cocked to the side again, "I'm confused? Are you saying that you haven't slept together yet?"

"No, Tae's a virgin. But that's okay, I'm in no rush. I'm more than okay to go at whatever pace he's comfortable with."

Yoongi snorted before he tried to cough and cover it up, "well from what I've heard from my brother, odds are his libido is going to go insane and he'll want that knot, a lot."

The older Alpha didn't think that would cause any sort of embarrassment to his friend, but based on the fact that Hobi turned bright red it sure did.

With an eye roll and a smirk Yoongi decided to tease the younger just a little bit more, "don't act like that isn't good news. You know you can't wait to lock your knot inside him and hear him purr while he soaks the bed."

"Yoongi," Hobi yelled as he smacked him repeatedly on the shoulder.

"Alright, I'll stop. Now, tell me why you were so tense when I showed up."

He saw how the younger's entire deminer changed in just an instant. "This is going to sound insane, but I kept smelling Moonsu and finding gifts that can only be from her. But surely she didn't actually come here?"

"Maybe it was too late to change the transfer," Yoongi offered. Not that that would have stopped him. He would have taken a semester off before following after an ex that found their fated.

"Maybe," but Hobi didn't sound so sure. "But even still, why the gifts? It's like she's trying to court me and that makes no fucking sense. We broke it off, my fated mate is pupped."

It was now or never, "Jimin is fairly sure he's seen her around. Nothing that's like 100% proof, just glimpses of someone he thinks is Moonsu."

Hobi groaned and dropped his head onto the table, "great, just great. I have a pregnant mate to worry about and now my crazy ex is stalking me. I must have like slaughtered a village in my past life."

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